View Full Version : A OLD Standby saves the Day = P21S Wheel Cleaner

03-23-2015, 07:11 AM
I have a good half dozen bottles of P21S Wheel Cleaner that I have not touched in the last 5-7 years....
I`ve resorted to using other stuff that requires less scrubbing, etc.

Recently I acquired a used Ridgid Tristand.
One of it`s primary use is making threads on pipe --- and when you`re cutting thread, you are constantly pouring oil over the ~CUTTER~ to lubricate and cool the blades down as it cuts threads into the pipe.
This thing was caked with dirt/oil as it has a raised pebble finish. Oil was stuck in the crevices.
The same goes for the lower pan, in which it had old oil and most likely pipe dope, accumulated in it.
For those that are familiar, there are some pipe dopes that just don`t wash off...

I must have done 3 separate soak, scrub, rinse cycles to clean this thing off with Krud Kutter.
It`s one of my favorite degreasers.
Using a *green sponge/aka, pretty damm abrasive* to scour the surface to get this clean
While it was getting clean, the oil stuck in these crevices and a the tenacious oil/pipe dope would not break it up.

So out of haste, I sprayed it down with P21 Wheel Cleaner and left it alone.

I went back about 1/2 hr later armed with a can of Oven Cleaner, getting ready to spray oven cleaner on it.
I was hesistent to use OC as it would etch some aluminum parts.

Lo and behold when I walked back to it, I notiiced that even though I did not scrub the surface after spraying it down with P21 Wheel Cleaner---- some oil/dirt had emulsified up from the stuck crevices ! Amazing !

So I proceeded to scrub the whole thing down, gave it a rinse and amazing, the P21S not only cleaned up all the old residual oil/pope dope on the lower part *smooth metal*, but the top surface which has a pebbles surface.....it softened up the gunk that was staying there. I got about 85% of it that Krud Kutter was not even breaking down.

Regardless I figured I shared this long winded experience as P21S has sat on my shelf for a good while ---- is it was worthless to me.......as I`ve moved on from it, and it has saved me a lot of time and scrubbing n !

03-23-2015, 07:14 AM
I recall using it years ago. It came in a kit. It was a top notch wheel cleaner.

03-23-2015, 07:58 AM
I just gotta ask:
When you say you`ve moved on, what wheel cleaner are you using now to clean brake dust from rims??
Did P21S Wheel Cleaner require a lot of scrubbing that you do not like it and was this scrubbing action damaging (IE marring/swirling) rim finishes?

03-23-2015, 08:44 AM
I can remember back it the day when it was the "go to" for wheel cleaners. Safe and effective. This was before the development of iron oxide removing cleaners.

03-23-2015, 08:57 AM
These days I`m using car wash soap in a wheel bucket with a pressure washer.....
Clean and easy cleanings.

I`ll do maintenance cleans with Iron Oxide Cleaners.

If the wheels are dirty, I will use APC, 45 seconds dwells, quick scour and rinse with PW.

My approach to wheels is why ~spend~ so much time on them.....
I used to use P21s, let it dwell, dwell some more and then clean.

I was just REALLY surprised on the results I got with it - as I was not expecting it.
I guess the Krud Kutter was just different chemistry wise and it really was not *reacting* on the cleaning ability whereas the latter did.
That is HOW MUCH surprised I was with how the P21 did it`s thing.
I did not even need to up up using the oven cleaner...

tom p.
03-23-2015, 10:20 AM
The P21S standard and gel wheel cleaners were always great products for well-kept cars. If the wheels hadn`t been cleaned for a couple years, probably not the best choice.

03-23-2015, 11:28 AM
Yeah, I used P21s before switching to Griot`s (before switching most of my vehicles to shampoo mix).