View Full Version : Eagle One Next Level Surface Prep Mitt vs. Nanoskin Autoscrub Wash Mitt

02-15-2015, 07:26 PM
I was at AutoZone and saw Eagle One`s new products for 2015 there. one thing that surprised me to see was the Eagle One Next Level Surface Prep Mitt. It seems to be a version of Nanoskin`s Autoscrub Wash Mitts. Anyone else seen or used these?


Audios S6
02-15-2015, 07:44 PM
Saw it. I know a few people have already purchased, but I haven`t seen a review yet.

Based only on visual inspection, manufacturing quality leaves a little to be desired; not the best coverage of polymerized rubber. Seems like it is sprayed on in only one direction rather than two directions, and you get some bare and light spots. Corners are also a little light on material and the actual towel does not appear to be the highest quality judging by the edge stitching work. I`m sure you can find a good one since the packaging is clear and easy to see the whole product, just may have to pick through them to find a good one.

02-15-2015, 07:52 PM
Just my opinion, but I would never use this thing. I think it sells for like $20-$25. Why would I risk using this thing when I can get a clay block from Optimum, Ultima, or dare I say it - even Chemical Guy`s for less???? Optimum`s clay towel is less $ or the same as well.

Why would I want to give Eagle 1 one nickel of my money when I could buy something from these reputable detailing companies???

03-14-2015, 02:51 PM
I was meaning to see if anyone had reviews of this up yet or not. Much cheaper than my HD nano prep towel. Wasn`t sure how the performance would be though. I haven`t bought a clay bar since I got my Nano Prep towel. Saves a crapload of money over clay bars.

I`m not sure why you`re comparing the cost to clay bars. If it costs the same as a clay bar it will save a lot since it`s reusable. You can wash the prep towels off and keep using them. Clay bars are done when they`re done and can be relegated to glass duty, but that`s it. Then again I`ve never had a problem with Eagle One. They make products for your average Joe, not professional detailers. No need to make it personal, I use their A2Z wheel and tire cleaner all the time because it works good and isn`t hiked up in price because it`s a "Boutique" name. Not considering all the options simply based on names is a bad business practice, especially since there`s a possibility many products are one in the same, but one is much more expensive because a different company bottles it.

03-14-2015, 03:55 PM
I was meaning to see if anyone had reviews of this up yet or not. Much cheaper than my HD nano prep towel. Wasn`t sure how the performance would be though. I haven`t bought a clay bar since I got my Nano Prep towel. Saves a crapload of money over clay bars.

I`m not sure why you`re comparing the cost to clay bars. If it costs the same as a clay bar it will save a lot since it`s reusable. You can wash the prep towels off and keep using them. Clay bars are done when they`re done and can be relegated to glass duty, but that`s it. Then again I`ve never had a problem with Eagle One. They make products for your average Joe, not professional detailers. No need to make it personal, I use their A2Z wheel and tire cleaner all the time because it works good and isn`t hiked up in price because it`s a "Boutique" name. Not considering all the options simply based on names is a bad business practice, especially since there`s a possibility many products are one in the same, but one is much more expensive because a different company bottles it.

I wasn`t comparing it to clay bars - but what`s commonly called a clay block.


I`m still in the camp that believes mostly "you get what you pay for". Sorry, I don`t believe these are the same clay towels you are getting from others and Eagle One has made a supreme sacrifice of pricing them for less.

Considering products based on "names" makes a lot of sense to me. Quality companies make quality products and value their reputation. I think it`s a safe bet to rely on quality manufacturers and vendors to continue to put out quality products to maintain their reputation. This is how I shop anyway, prolly why I rarely have a problem with anything I buy.

03-14-2015, 10:08 PM
Gotcha. I`m sorry for me misunderstanding the clay bar vs. Clay block.

I never claimed these were the same towels from other companies. Just said my intent was to find out if they performed as well. This is the way I shop for things of this nature. Do some research, look for reviews, then make an informed decision on whether or not to buy. If I like the product I`ll buy more, if not, I won`t. homestly, SOME cheaper products do the job just fine when compared to high end products, others don`t. But if you`re not willing to even try you`ll never know.

03-15-2015, 11:29 AM
I wouldn`t at all be surprised if Nanoskin made this for Eagle One. At SEMA I spoke with one of the Nanoskin reps about how much I liked thier products but $59 was hard to swallow for a single towel. He told me Nanoskin was starting to private label products for the consumer market at lower price points, but he couldn`t say who they were private labeling for. This certainly seems like it.

03-15-2015, 03:55 PM
Not sure if it`s relevant, but I absolutely LOVE my nanoskin towel... basically a microfiber towel with nanoskin rubberized stuff sprayed on.

Been using it for a month now on 15+ cars and it`s still like new, and I can do a car completely in 5-15 minutes, not 15-45+ like the clay bar.

03-16-2015, 06:22 AM
I`m not sure why they (Eagle One) didn`t cover the entire side of the mit? No matter. The polymer appears to be layed on thicker on the mit than it is on the sponge and it has very good coverage. You cannot see through the polymer to the orange sponge underneath. The mit has a nice thick cushioned feel to it. I used it yesterday. I did half of my wifes suv hood with the Nano Med sponge and the other half with the Eagle One mit. Her suv has never been decon before. After comparing the two sides I could still feel some contamination on the sponge side. I redid with the mit and it picked up the rest of the grit. I used onr as lube. The mit was on sale for $21.00 out the door. For the money not a bad deal and no shipping wait or charge and it woked as I expected it to. Someone that has the more expensive `boutique` brands should do a comparo. This is my first go `round with the mit/towel and I do like it better than the sponge.

03-16-2015, 07:24 AM
oops. forgot the pic :wacko:

03-18-2015, 07:22 PM
Seen the Eagle One in stores, really lacking in quality/rubber on the surface. Run the Nanoskin/Speedy system, way more reliable.

03-18-2015, 07:36 PM
Seen the Eagle One in stores, really lacking in quality/rubber on the surface. Run the Nanoskin/Speedy system, way more reliable.

Still think there are people out there who are convinced this is the the same as Nanoskin, is made by Nanoskin, or is as good as Nanoskin. You just can`t convince them that cheaper stuff is usually cheaper, because...well...it`s CHEAPER stuff.