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04-25-2006, 10:05 AM
Prices can be controlled?

I really don`t think there is any reason that we should be paying nationally what prices are today......There has been no major catastrophe that has put a strain on our current oil supplies...Someone is making ALLOT of money at the consumers expense....I sure hope that congress and the President can do something to help!

What are your thoughts

04-25-2006, 10:22 AM
We were talking about this in class today...

My professor, about 52 years old, said that until truckers stop delivering (losing more than making) like in the 60s crisis, he doesn`t think they will end.

The government is simply putting a bandaid on a wound that needs surgery.

04-25-2006, 10:25 AM
I agree with what you have said 100%. The sad thing is its going to continue to rise.

04-25-2006, 10:28 AM
We were talking about this in class today...

My professor, about 52 years old, said that until truckers stop delivering (losing more than making) like in the 60s crisis, he doesn`t think they will end.

The government is simply putting a bandaid on a wound that needs surgery.

I remember the 60`s crisis (I`m 51) however I believe that the oil companies need to be regulated at some level....tighter control over what profits they can make....this last time they reported record high profits was a slap in the consumers face

04-25-2006, 10:38 AM
I remember the 60`s crisis (I`m 51) however I believe that the oil companies need to be regulated at some level....tighter control over what profits they can make....this last time they reported record high profits was a slap in the consumers face

ExxonMobil is our largest problem, IMO.

There has been a mass email going around originating from a Coca-Cola exec demanding to stop buying from ExxonMobil. They control the pricing and market and if they aren`t making money (too high priced), they will have to drive costs down. It will be a domino effect...I haven`t bought from Mobil since.

Their earning last year makes me sick.

04-25-2006, 10:50 AM
ExxonMobil is our largest problem, IMO.

There has been a mass email going around originating from a Coca-Cola exec demanding to stop buying from ExxonMobil. They control the pricing and market and if they aren`t making money (too high priced), they will have to drive costs down. It will be a domino effect...I haven`t bought from Mobil since.

Their earning last year makes me sick.

Yea, I got that email too and I have not gone to Exxon/Mobil. The problem is that when other people see the price is cheaper at Exxon, maybe 3 cents cheaper they all want to hit that gas station defeating the purpose. I was going over last year`s 50 most profitable companies and all the oil companies were right up there! It`s insane I am paying $280/mo on gas for my wife`s Explorer, my payment on the Explorer is $298.

04-25-2006, 10:52 AM
Yea, I got that email too and I have not gone to Exxon/Mobil. The problem is that when other people see the price is cheaper at Exxon, maybe 3 cents cheaper they all want to hit that gas station defeating the purpose. I was going over last year`s 50 most profitable companies and all the oil companies were right up there! It`s insane I am paying $280/mo on gas for my wife`s Explorer, my payment on the Explorer is $298.

I just read that some Exon exectives are making 140k A DAY!!

04-25-2006, 11:22 AM
what the largest problem is is speculation. We currenlty have anough oil to satify needs however with countries like China and india onlong side evens like iran and iraq people are worried. The rissing gas prices are based on speculation and fear. It will be intresting to see what happenes to the price of oil with Iran

04-25-2006, 06:14 PM
Yea I heard that too, with the Iran thing on edge, and them being a major supplier, everyone is on edge. And there is some African country that is in a civil war, so that makes it tougher to get oil out of there cheaply too. So Basicly as I understood it, everyone is just nervous right now about world events.

04-25-2006, 06:59 PM
i think that governments will not do anyhting because they get so much in the way of taxes they really don`t care. that people that maek the laws, probably don`t pay for their own fuel. that is my belief.

04-25-2006, 07:12 PM
I think that governments will not do anything because they get so much in the way of taxes they really don`t care.

You said it.

04-25-2006, 07:54 PM
Gas prices are crazy all over and if we don`t look for other options where gonna continue to pay higher prices.The state and city you live in has the option to cut the state and city fuel tax for temporary releif but they don`t.

BTW, After looking at AGs prices they seem to be right up there with the gas
example" Megs Leather conditoner $9.99 for a $6.00 item.
OK sorry back to topic..

04-25-2006, 08:21 PM
I remember the 60`s crisis (I`m 51) however I believe that the oil companies need to be regulated at some level....tighter control over what profits they can make....this last time they reported record high profits was a slap in the consumers face
I also believe that the government should regulate the price of fuel to an extent.
No one can tell me that oil companies had to raise prices due to shortages or a natural disaster and then 3 months later report record profits.

Gas prices are crazy all over and if we don`t look for other options where gonna continue to pay higher prices.The state and city you live in has the option to cut the state and city fuel tax for temporary releif but they don`t.

Joe I don`t see why the city or state has to take a hit by not collecting taxes and the oil companies aren`t looking to take a lesser share. The taxes you pay are going to something that you will see back, road repairs or some other type of maintenance or improvement. I don`t think a big oil company is sending one of their trucks to fix a pothole on my block.

Something WILL have to be done, because it will be the beginning of a snowball effect. It will cost the farmers more to tend their crops, then it will cost more to get it to bulk market, then increased cost for the processing, then getting it to the store, and all of these increases will be passed on to the consumer...check to see what a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk is soon enough, because everyone will be saying they are only passing along what has been passed on to them.

Now getting off my soapbox... just my $.04 (why too much said for only $.02)


Totoland Mach
04-25-2006, 08:49 PM
Heck: ain`t W`s fault per se...every politician since Jimmuh Carter said we got to decrease our dependence on foreign oil...every single one of them! Nothing`s been done in what...35 years (that ought to be enough time even for the fed`s to respond with something).

Good leaders lead by example: Now, if the present administration (Republican and Democrat alike) acted like General Honore` did in New Orleans and said something to the effect that:

"Effective immediately, all Federal vehicles cannot exceed 60 Mph (law enforcement excluded) and we will install a vehicle data monitor (as seen on page 16 of the June issue of Mustang Enthusiast) to ensure compliance. Furthermore, any Federal employee recorded in excess of 60 Mph will pay a minimum $50 fine PLUS the gas used during the excess."

That would be leadership by example.

I travel by vehicle a bunch and found that reducing my speed 10 Mph on the interstate results in an approx. 20% fuel savings...not bad when gas is $3.00 plus. That equates to a $0.60 per gallon savings.

As long as folks are willing to drive big vehicles at high speeds...pay the price and go on about your business.

I`ll see what the Feds and States will do to lead by example.

Totoland Mach

04-25-2006, 09:34 PM
It also has alot to do with people driving escalades,excursions. The people who drive F-350`s jacked up on 44`s. When they have no real use for them other then trying to make a statement. When i`m not towing my trailer, I`m driving my 2.8L 5 speed s10.

I`m hearing alot about alt. fuel sources, but yet i`m not seeing anything done about it.