View Full Version : What I miss most about Christmas..(rant thread)

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Anthony O.
12-20-2014, 02:31 PM
For me this time of year holds such great memories. I grew up in the late 70`s and 80`s. I can remember going to the mall with friends and it was an incredible time. The mall was packed with people, and beautiful girls!:cool:

I can remember most major shops having a gift wrapping area, as a few were in the center of the mall also. The gals, who were beautiful by the way, were so happy to be doing what they did. We would stop at Orange Julius and grab a drink with a soft pretzel. For anyone who never had the privilege of tasting an Orange Julius you`ve missed out on a delicious treat! Creamy and frothy....and made with RAW EGGS! And guess what? I never heard of anyone getting sick. Did I mention that many of the girls in the mall wore tight holiday sweaters?

On Christmas day right around 9am the streets would fill with kids trying out their new bikes, skateboards, footballs and other various outside toys.

So what`s my rant?

What in the hell happened to that Christmas??:(:confused:

The traditional mall is now gone and replaced with open air "plazas". "Hey come out shopping running from store to store while it`s raining!"

Getting a "Merry Christmas" from most people is like asking for root canal volunteers! When I was growing up and that expression was not said people looked at you like..."What a Scrooge!" Now you`re "politically correct" Screw the PC people.

Where in the hell did the kids go? I mean there are no kids out playing football in the streets, no new bikes, skateboards or skates being raced up and down the street. Now it`s all about hunkering down in the house with the latest electronic gizmo and shutting out true social networking....oh wait, I forgot there is Facebook!

Many of the gift giving today just seems so impersonal ya know? "Hey son, here is a tablet" Then wonder why the kids seems "disconnected"?

My mother, now 91 years old, speaks of her Christmas in Germany as a child and her gift may have been fruit, a basket or some trinket which usually was a family heirloom. We argue, "Well kids today are far more sophisticated, they would not understand" Umm, no...how about many kids today are just a bunch of self centered egotistical brats! Unless it`s the next greatest this or that version 2.0. This puts a great financial strain on many families and they end up in debt because they have to max out their credit. Next year comes along and they have not yet paid for the last 2 years!

I reckon I yearn for a simpler Christmas......Oh, and what the hell is it with no more "Christmas Break" for schools? Now it`s "Holiday Break" or "Winter Break" Are they serious? When my little girl was in 7th grade choir they sang wonderful Christmas songs, traditional songs like O Holy Night, Silent Night and O Christmas Tree. Next year....not one traditional Christmas song was sung:o

But they did Rudolph and Santa Baby!! Really, "Santa Baby"?? When I asked about this they said they did not want to "offend" people who did not celebrate Christmas. I said, "Well do they understand it`s not a MANDATORY after school assembly?" Then don`t go people......don`t go.

What`s it gonna be like 10 years from now?

Anyway, what`s your favorite memories about Christmas? Any rants about it?


12-20-2014, 03:02 PM
With you on every point you made Anthony.

12-20-2014, 03:11 PM
I grew up in the 60`s and in USAF by 72. All you say is very true and it all started downhill about the same time you could not give spankings. You are suppose to discuss the problem with your kids ( kind of Diplomacy ). Ask Obama how that`s working out. We still have enclosed malls around here but if you say Hi to someone most of the time you do not get a response. If you say anything to the older generation ( mostly 55 and over ) they generally appear more courteous. The human race at least in the U.S. seems to have just gone to H**l. Most seem self centered, just watch the driving on the road as that just about says everything about the person behind the wheel. If I offended anyone with my statements, well, SH**T happens.



12-20-2014, 03:38 PM
I`m deeply offended by any mention of Christmas, God, Orange Julius (vegan - no eggs), girls in tight sweaters, footballs (someone could get hurt), Germans, and fruit.

I`m calling my lawyer.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-20-2014, 04:21 PM
Perfectly said.

Thank you



12-20-2014, 04:22 PM
Ha. They were saying that back in the 70`s. This was when Lawrence Welk, Andy Williams, etc. were regulars on television -- when you usually just had 3 over the air channels (ABC/NBC/CBS). You have to blame a lot the kids on the parents - not the schools and the government (or a particular president). My generation was supposedly the no load generation but it started before my generation.

12-20-2014, 04:50 PM
Thank you, Anthony for your thoughts..

If you grew up in Texas, then you and yours would truly know how wonderful this time of the year is and has always been..

My time there before a couple wars interrupted it, was doing all the things you mentioned, even earlier than you did.. And it was wonderful !!!

The Schools taught awesome lessons on why we were so grateful for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness..

Christian principles were freely used, school prayer, Christmas carols, and everyone regardless of their religious beliefs was fine...

This Nation we were taught was founded on freedom to worship as one pleased; I cant ever remember anyone being upset or angry about what we learned and sang..

The American Flag was revered and we were taught how important it was, how many hundreds of thousands of lives and blood was spilled so that out Flag could fly proudly..

It was simpler then, not so critical, not so wanting to dissect to the last nut and bolt, not having to Prove everything as it is today..

And despite not having all these wonderful things we have at our disposal today to instantly know much more about every last Detail of everything, we all turned out pretty darn good, didnt we ? :)

While our Parents and Ancestors had little in worldly things, they had in abundance something that has been slowly but surely leaving this earth at perhaps a more alarming rate than anything I can think of..

And that most rare, most precious, most needful, most holy need today is more Gratitude, which is closely knit to Charity, the Pure Love of Christ... ( I know, go ahead and sue me if you must)

There is no way around it, no substitute for it, no scientific explanation, we either strive to have it, try to live it, and most of all, give it freely to others, as it was given to and given by our Dear Mothers, Fathers, Ancestors, etc., or we can choose to do nothing...

I know for a fact, that people who are truly in need are usually the most humble, hardest working, faithful, honorable, and truly loving people... These are our Ancestors you spoke of, Anthony, and I for one will be eternally Grateful for all that they did to help me - to help us - stand on their Shoulders and rise up higher than they were able to do... We did not get to where we are today without their incredible Strength, Honesty, Faith, Love, etc..

How can one really think about this and not feel their heart swell up and tears of gratitude flow freely...

Lets all try to bring those beautiful, wonderful, Traditions back !!!!! We can all do this !!! People might remember... Might want to know why we are so happy... might want to be as One - even if its only for a couple of days...

If all manner of different ideas and ideals are working so hard to Remove these wonderful memories we all have, why are we not working harder to keep them in full view as they once were and should always be...

Merry Christmas ! Thanks again for your wonderful thoughts !! I will come find you next time I am in San Antonio !!
Dan F

12-20-2014, 05:24 PM
Anthony, indeed.

I seem to miss `those times` too. I was in elementary in mid- late 80`s but it was very similar as to how you described.

One thing I didn`t see you mention but I have noticed... I really, really don`t like the new LED Christmas lights on every house I drive by. I like the big bulb, multi color strands that have a good `warmth` to the color.

Merry Christmas and God bless,

Anthony O.
12-20-2014, 06:22 PM
Hey thanks for all the comments people...notice I did not say "guys", trying to be all inc lusive. HA!

Anyway, I belive that what is missing are the "traditions" some of you have mentioned.

I was telling my son the other day that when I was in elementary school none, and I mean none, of my friends parents were divorced. They all lived in a house, no one had an apartment. In fact I never knew what the heck an apartment was until my older brother got one.

When my kids where in school all their friends came from a broken home and most lived in apartments. I remember one of my daughters friends asking her if she liked having both mom and dad at home? Now that`s sad.

Perhaps it all started to crumble with marriage being seen as something temporary ya know? It`s a throw away society after all right?

My Christmas Wish.....we can start building what has been and will be lost! Teach your kids about those times, perhaps it will take root and grow again.


House of Wax
12-20-2014, 06:50 PM
Well said Anthony. I`m only 33, but it`s pretty amazing how much things have changed just in my relatively short lifetime. Society in general just sucks more and more every year. I`d have to say my biggest gripe is how so many people find a way to be offended over everything. When the hell did that happen? I don`t care if you do say "happy holidays", you`re gettin a "merry Christmas" back.

I try not to focus on the bad though. I still have a wonderful family and we`ve still continued to take part in all of the holiday traditions that we`ve been doing since I can remember. It pretty cool to watch my kids now that they are getting into it

Anthony O.
12-20-2014, 07:34 PM
Well said Anthony. I`m only 33, but it`s pretty amazing how much things have changed just in my relatively short lifetime. Society in general just sucks more and more every year. I`d have to say my biggest gripe is how so many people find a way to be offended over everything. When the hell did that happen? I don`t care if you do say "happy holidays", you`re gettin a "merry Christmas" back.

I try not to focus on the bad though. I still have a wonderful family and we`ve still continued to take part in all of the holiday traditions that we`ve been doing since I can remember. It pretty cool to watch my kids now that they are getting into it

Exactly! Passing our traditions to our kids, which we learned from our parents.

Each year at Thanksgiving we watch "Planes, Trains and Automobiles". It`s a classic movie with some of the best comedy of all time. At Christmas we watch "Christmas Vacation" along with som eother classics. We go and look at Christmas lights in various nieghborhoods and always leave the Christmas lights on thru Christmas Eve to the end of Christmas day.

Anyone have a traditional Christmas dinner? If so what`s on the table?


12-20-2014, 08:44 PM
Exactly! Passing our traditions to our kids, which we learned from our parents.

Each year at Thanksgiving we watch "Planes, Trains and Automobiles". It`s a classic movie with some of the best comedy of all time. At Christmas we watch "Christmas Vacation" along with som eother classics. We go and look at Christmas lights in various nieghborhoods and always leave the Christmas lights on thru Christmas Eve to the end of Christmas day.

Anyone have a traditional Christmas dinner? If so what`s on the table?


Traditional? We usually just have something similar to Thanksgiving - Turkey, stuffing, biscuits, cornbread, desserts, several veggies, tea.

Anthony O.
12-20-2014, 09:06 PM
Well ya....I have a friend who has a traditional briskett BBQ, another with a pig. Sounds odd but it`s Texas afterall

12-20-2014, 09:44 PM
Last Saturday, my wife and I spent the day in Lititz, PA. It`s a small town located in Lancaster County, PA. This town is a throw back to a time long ago. The main drive is lined with small shops that are owned by local folks. The streets are beautifully decorated with 3 foot Christmas trees along the sidewalks as is each shop. The Wilbur Chocolate Factory fills the town with the air with fresh made sweet treats. On various nights Carolers sing Christmas songs in the park and around town. What was probably the most beautiful sight was the Manger display right where Rt. 501 and 772 meet. So, my wife and I go into the Visitors Center to inquire about it. It just so happens that the local church owns that small piece of land and the scene is on private property. Apparently a new resident moved into town back in 1994 and challenged the scene. It was discovered that the property was privately owned and the Manger could indeed stay. As it was further said, "Imagine that, after all of these years just one complaint could have ended it all." Interestingly, she said the town receives the most positive compliments about the display.
As others have said, it starts with one person, one Merry Christmas, and one person standing up and not being afraid. Many people we know are taking Christmas back with a simple reply or greeting.
I hope that many will instill in their children that is fine to celebrate Christmas and don`t let anyone deny that right in the free country we live in. This may mean parent involvement.
A friend of mine recently told me of his "self-induced dilemma. He had bought his kids so much stuff, including electronics, over the past few years that he priced himself out of the market. I suggested that he and his family volunteer at our local soup kitchen, nursing home/assisted living, and hospital and use it as a teaching moment. When they get home explain to them what their day showed them then take a long look at how Great they have it and not to worry about keeping up with The Jones`.
At work each year, the Jewish Women`s Defense League brings a huge desert tray to all the fire stations. They include a card that Thanks us for working our Holiday. The ladies also verbally Thank us. One of our guys working this one time told them he was Jewish. So the lady asks, "are you the only Jewish guy in the department? " He said, "No." They asked," are the other Jewish guys working?" He said, "No." They asked, "Why not?" He said , "Because it`s Christmas." We all had a laugh.
My wife and I celebrate December 25th as the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ.

So with that being said, we Pray that you all have a Blessed Christmas!

Ps..I am typing this out on my wife`s tablet so pardon me for any mistakes. I`m still getting use to this thing...LOL!

12-20-2014, 09:55 PM
I was born in 1959, and while a lot you said is true, you have to remember, you saw it as a kid like me. I guess I was just bored but I would listen to my parents xxxxx about their families and who was cheap, who was screwing around with who and who was flunking out of what college. I guess my old man (he was born in 1909) and having lived through the Spanish Flu, the Great Depression and being a marine in WWII, he was entitled to speak his mind. I think he never realized I was getting all that and grew up with some issues that took its toll on me later on. So, my memories are good up to about nine years old and then after I turned sixteen when for all intents and purposes, I was never home.
The years went by and I found a great wife, had two wonderful kids and remembered what not to do raising them. The oldest is a Junior at college, her lowest grade was 1 B she got in biology, other than that it`s straight A`s and she`s in an early Masters program. The youngest is quiet but surprises me on a regular basis, she`s in high school and took farm mechanics to see what it was about, learned how to Mig weld! But she wants to be a dental hygienist not a welder.
Guys, you can change a generation. I did, it took me some time and I admit, I went through a few years of drinking and drugs before I got fed up with being sick, tired and broke and decided I needed to be a man, grow up and take care of business. I did it by dropping bad habits, bad friends and hitting the gym -3-5 days a week.
Change happens for those that put in the effort. Yeah Anthony, I feel your pain, and yeah times are different, but today isn`t all bad, and yesterday wasn`t all that, find your slice of happiness and let the rest slide.