View Full Version : Permanon vs Hydro2? Advice please

glen e
12-18-2014, 11:47 AM
Has anyone used both? On wheels? I am looking for one of these to do my new wheels coming in. I know they are both good, interested in how they may differ - gloss? durability? ease of application? etc etc

and which Permanon product do I want to use for this?

Please tell me I`m fine with hydro2 - I own that...LOL


12-18-2014, 12:20 PM
If you choose Permanon you would want Platinum IMO. It has the best durability according to Permanon but Car would work as well.

Permanon is easier to apply. Mist on, rinse or dry off. No need to blast with water. Adds a nice topper finish and beads / sheets okay. (Similar to a coating) You only use a 10% mixture so a bottle last a long time. But for me durability on paint was lacking. (2-3 weeks) On wheels it seemed shorter but hard to tell as I have a coating on the wheels.

Hydro2 is a little more to apply, but it has a much better durability. I have gotten 3 months on Paint. On wheels it is a little shorter. If you have the H2 and don`t have any issue on application I think it is your best bet.

glen e
12-18-2014, 12:40 PM
Thanks Troy, just what I will do.....I really should cquartz them but at 64, I`ll def do this....

12-18-2014, 04:33 PM
Used both

Hydro is a little finicky
Permanon, easier to apply, no where near as durable

12-19-2014, 07:24 AM
Both wont last as they both cant cope with the heat fron the breakes,cquartz is a fantastic product as a wheels coating,i saw 18 months and more from that.

12-19-2014, 07:45 AM
Do yourself a favor, use opticoat or Gtech Exo. I have used both of these on wheels with 2 + year of durability. The permanon platinum I used last about 3-6 weeks max on paint or wheels. It is super easy to apply and I use it for touch ups and to take me out of the cold months until I can properly coat.

David Fermani
12-19-2014, 09:11 PM
Another product you might want to consider is Nanolex Wash Coat. Looks very interesting....

Nanolex In Development - Nanolex Project "WashCoat" HD.mp4 - YouTube (http://youtu.be/XU9Yp4jR2O4)