View Full Version : Oh, Oh!

04-20-2006, 12:13 PM
Or, as they say in Hawaiian..."Au`we!"

Went pig hunting on Easter. It poured, so we came back down the mountain at about 10am. The truck was covered with mud. I should have given it a rinse while the mud was still relatively wet, but we had to be an Easter lunch early in the afternoon. We got to having a few beers (or more...) and I didn`t get to do the truck at all until Monday afternoon.

Anyway, I did the wheels/wells/and undercarriage with PB/APC on Monday afternoon. It took a few hours, so I didn`t do the body until Tuesday morning, early. Wanting to finish before I went to work, I kind of rushed it and didn`t let the SSS do it`s thing. I used the foam gun and went to work on the exterior...2005 black F150 SCREW.

I guess the volcanic mud is more abrasive than I realized. I marred both sides pretty good.

Hopefully, I can get the finish back with Pw/C blue. Seal it and wax it. I`ll start on it this afternoon. I don`t have anything else in the arsenal right now. I`m thinking if the Pw/C doesn`t cut it, I may need something a little more abrasive...SSR2? SSR1?

Thanks for letting me VENT!