View Full Version : Microfiber Care

09-21-2014, 12:54 AM
I was wondering how to properly wash my microfiber towels. I originally washed them by simply putting all of them alone in the washing machine and then place the detergent with not softeners or what not and then dry in machine. But I am now having small twigs, leaves, etc getting trapped in my microfibers because I had dropped a couple on the ground and accidentally while getting the microfibers to wash thrown those into the machine. My issue is I can pull the twigs and what not out by hand but will that get everything out and is there a better way? I use eurow microfiber towels and the ones that have the twigs, leaves, etc in them are very new less than a year so I don`t want to just throw them out.`

09-21-2014, 05:36 AM
If you drop mf towels on the ground you have to pick them up right away and take the time to hand pick the twigs and leaves. `If you don`t and just put them in the washer, you get those things sealed in the fibers and then they are almost impossible to take out without tearing the towel`s fibers. `I don`t know of any better method to solve this other than doing it by hand. `


I have pretty good luck tossing towels in a bucket of a mild solution of warm water and oxiclean. `I swirl the towels around a bit and some of those contaminants I missed by hand come loose. `However the main reason I do this is as a pre-wash to get as much dirt out as possible prior to putting the towels in the machine (where I use a dedicated mf cleaner). `You could also get a bucket with a grit guard and use that the same way you would a wash mitt and some of those twigs and stuff should come out as you agitate the towel on the grit guard. `Whatever method you use it is important to get them out of the towel because if you don`t you will find a bunch of nasty scratches on your car the very next time you use the towel. `Those scratches will take ten times the work to remove that hand picking your towels of twigs and leaves would involve. `

09-21-2014, 07:04 PM
At the end I just dipped the towels in a bucket with regular laundry detergent and warm water. Then I folded them into 4ths and took a strong stream of water and sprayed each and every face down. That seemed to do the trick and sometimes just rubbed the spot with the strong stream of water.`

09-22-2014, 10:59 AM
fangster- I`m guessing that the` take-home lesson you learned was to *never* drop your MFs onto a really contaminated surface, huh?` Sure is a PIA getting that sort of stuff off.

10-08-2014, 02:09 PM
This may help:


http://www.autopia.org/forum/topic/132883-ultimate-microfiber-towel-care-guide-by-liquid-finish/ (`http://www.autopia.org/forum/topic/132883-ultimate-microfiber-towel-care-guide-by-liquid-finish/`)