View Full Version : FX100 requires naps between settings.

04-19-2006, 09:22 AM
Everytime I apply FK1 FX100 to a car, I feel it takes forever for the product to dry. Anyone else experience this? I know I`m apply it thin, since its very spreadable and I use one spray for every panel.

How long is it take you guys?

04-19-2006, 10:02 AM
I dont have that problem. When I use FX100 its spray once maybe twice per panel, then spread around with MF towel until dry. I just work it into the paint, no waiting for haze. I can put a nice slick shine on a mini van in 10 - 12min including getting the ladder out for the roof.

04-19-2006, 11:33 AM
I dont have that problem. When I use FX100 its spray once maybe twice per panel, then spread around with MF towel until dry. I just work it into the paint, no waiting for haze. I can put a nice slick shine on a mini van in 10 - 12min including getting the ladder out for the roof.

What color is your car. The product if not allowed to set for about 45minutes or more just smears and leaves streaks.

04-19-2006, 12:24 PM
Nope, not for me... I use it on silver and yellow with no problems. This weekend I even used it on a charcoal Ford that Im pretty sure had NO wax or sealant on the paint(not my car). But had no streaking using the product the same way on all colors. DUMB question, sorry... Your shaking it up first, right?

04-19-2006, 12:30 PM
Nope, not for me... I use it on silver and yellow with no problems. This weekend I even used it on a charcoal Ford that Im pretty sure had NO wax or sealant on the paint(not my car). But had no streaking using the product the same way on all colors. DUMB question, sorry... Your shaking it up first, right?

Yea! Absolutely.

04-19-2006, 12:37 PM
yeah, I figured so.... sorry.

Next question.... I see your in Miami, are you using FX in the sun?

04-19-2006, 01:01 PM
yeah, I figured so.... sorry.

Next question.... I see your in Miami, are you using FX in the sun?

No. Inside my garage. But we`ve been having a lot more humidy, if thats even possible.

04-19-2006, 01:01 PM
yeah, I figured so.... sorry.

Next question.... I see your in Miami, are you using FX in the sun?

No. Inside my garage. But we`ve been having a lot more humidy, if thats even possible.

04-19-2006, 01:59 PM
What are you topping with FX-100? And what kind of MF are you using? plush, extra, ultra???

Im just grasping at straws here... for me FX-100 is as easy to use as 425 or PBSnW or any QD for that matter.

04-20-2006, 10:22 PM
I use it as a QD too. I work it gently in a watch how it gets absorbed or blended into the paint. Fascinating. And the next day slickness is just unbelievable.

04-21-2006, 05:02 AM
I love my fx100 but I`m also having problems using it on my red car. It appears blotchy or streaky no matter how I apply it, and I have to continually buff it to get it to look even. I`ve tried spraying it on the paint and buffing like a QD, and I`ve tried spraying on a pad and applying like a wax. I`ve had the best luck with the pad, but it is difficult to work with on my car.

04-21-2006, 07:51 AM
I also use it as a QD. The temps can somtimes mess with this one though, like joy said it can streak. I usually just follow up with some #425 after the fx-100.


04-21-2006, 08:45 AM
FK says that if a spray or QD type products streaks, it may `found` an incompatible silicone and tries to clean it up. But of course temp/humidity can play a certain role.
Try to apply it with a DA.

04-21-2006, 10:26 AM
FK says that if a spray or QD type products streaks, it may `found` an incompatible silicone and tries to clean it up. But of course temp/humidity can play a certain role.
Try to apply it with a DA.

Thanks for the suggestions Bence and GregCavi. I know that you both have quite a bit of experience with the FK1 products, and the results that you guys have been getting is one of the reasons I started using it. I don`t think silicone is causing the problem I`m having because I have #2180 and Pink Wax under the FX100 so they should be compatible. I`ll give the DA or the #425 a try and see if that helps any. It really doesn`t matter too much because I like the product so much I`ll use it regardless, but easier would definately be better.:D