View Full Version : HD UNO question

09-07-2014, 07:52 AM
I polished the forged aluminum, clearcoated wheels on my Marauder yesterday using HD UNO. I liked the results, but found the product difficult to remove. It seemed like it was greasy to the touch and took a lot of wiping, with a detailer to remove. Today I found a spot of splatter that was still wet. I used a GG 3" machine with their orange 3" pad. Did I just use too much product?

David Fermani
09-07-2014, 08:14 PM
Sounds strange? Did the product look or smell weird? How much did you use and how was it applied? The lubes in HD polishing compounds stay wet a pretty long time so it doesn`t surprise me that the splatter was still wet.`

09-07-2014, 09:20 PM
Rethinking this I`m sure that I used too much polish for a 3" pad. First time use, live and learn.


Thanks Super Dave!

David Fermani
09-07-2014, 09:31 PM
Ok. Let me know if you run into any more problems.`