View Full Version : Woolite as Interior APC? (Scottwax)

08-28-2014, 11:42 AM
I just found some posts from Scottwax saying that he uses Woolite to clean interiors.
Can it replace a regular APC like OPT Power Clean?
Thank you!

09-02-2014, 08:28 AM
In a word, NO, Woolite is not an All-Purpose Cleaner replacement. It is good for leather cleaning, as it was recommended at one time by GM, (according to Scottwax). I think there are better leather cleaners a true Autopian can use, but if it works for you, use it (and it`s "less expensive, cost-effective, per application"). Another cost-effective cleaner is LA Totally Awesome sold at Dollar General. For a`cheap cleaner, `it works pretty good. Not so sure its an APC or its "safe" enough for coated leather, though.


Pellipe, I would also suggest NOT using OPT Power-Clean on fabric seats or carpets. The fragrance is less than pleasant, in my opinion, after it`s absorbed by the fibers, and lingers for days, sometimes weeks. It`s a great cleaner/degreaser for hard surfaces, like painted metal, plastics, or rubber tires. A more pleasant-smelling APC is Meguiar`s Detailer Line, D101 (the foaming green stuff) to use`on carpets and fabrics BY HAND with a brush and microfiber. Their D103 (APC+, a non-foaming formula for carpet extractors) is no longer available, as they have replaced it with a carpet cleaner and specific stain-removal formulas.

Nth Degree
09-03-2014, 01:44 AM
I have used Woolite for light cleaning, particularly for fabric, carpets and headliners. `It is effective but can leave a little residue that later can attract more dirt and I don`t care for the smell on a hot day but it doesn`t linger. `I find Folex to be more effective and less problematic but for an inexpensive option it does work.

09-04-2014, 12:20 PM
I did` a leather cleaner test`a few years back on my mom`s old Caddy, woolite - 1 oz per 20 oz water worked great. And with any cleaner I`ve ever used, always go back with a clean damp towel to rinse the residue off.Years ago - `Fermani told me about AutoMatic`s HD EZ Clean - 1 oz of that to a QUART of water! I bought a lifetime supply (a gallon) it was 10 bucks I think at a Car Quest store. That stuff cleans the (&^%&%^ out of carpet. Now, there are products as good and or better, but for the $, I have a couple that do the job.

09-04-2014, 08:07 PM
I use a 10:1 mix of woolite and water on every car I do and it works great! There are no UV protectants in it but it`s a great cleaner! For the tough stuff I use Plastik. ` `Simple!!