View Full Version : Layering & Maintaining Collinite 845?

08-18-2014, 09:11 AM
I just wetsanded, buffed and polished half of my `07 accord, and it`s a mirror. `I waxed with Collinite 845 for its warm depth and durability. `I`ve seen differing opinions about layering it, but I did 3 `layers` while I was at it. `Curious the best approach for the most depth and durability?


Also, I put the car in the garage overnight, and already there`s a thin layer of dust. `I just live in a dusty town. `What do you all use to dust off and touch up 845 without inducing marring and keep it looking amazing? `The car is Nighthawk Black Pearl.


08-18-2014, 12:20 PM
Ahheck01- I never layered 845 because I figured it was so solvent-rich that it wouldn`t layer.` And I got mediocre durability.` Somebody here suggested I try layering it and...huh, what do you know?!?...it did last longer.` YMMV but I don`t consider layering Collinte a waste of time/product, no matter what people on the internet say (I`ve read that bit about how Collinite pastes don`t layer but my findings were different).


I live with dust between regular washes because if I touch it with anything I tend to get marring.` And, well...let`s just say that`I`m not the dullest knife in the drawer when it comes to all the various options (e.g., the CCD, QDing, etc. ) that people claim work fine for them ;)`

08-18-2014, 03:13 PM


You mentioned in another post that FK1000P will work great on just about anything - would that include a few `layers` of 845? `It sounds like the FK would be slicker and not hang on to dust as much, and be easier to rince on a regular basis with minimal marring?


Just looking to keep black looking as good as possible!

08-18-2014, 05:34 PM
Ahheck01- Eh, I dunno if it`d bond OK or not.` It`s always been OK on AIOs, and it was OK on top of 1Z Pro MP (which leaves behind a synthetic), but I just don`t know about Collinite.


I`d just pick one or the other, and you can guess which I`d choose.` Only car I still use Collinite on is the old Audi, which I can`t correct (too thin, way too much correction already).`Since your Accord is in nice shape, you don`t need to worry about all that concealing stuff...

08-19-2014, 01:55 AM
Ahheck01, I have been using IW 845 topped with 915 for some time. This combo works well in terms of looks, dirt shedding, beading, etc. My only gripe has been that the car seems to attract a lot of dust. I always used QD when I dry the car, after sheeting and blowing most of the water off with a leaf blower`.

The last 2 weekly`washes I switched to Megs UQW as a dryng aid and have found that the car`has much less dust on it after a few days. Not sure why - less static, slicker?

08-19-2014, 12:01 PM
MikeSA- That UQW seems to have a *lot* going for it!` I intend to try it out if I ever use up some of my current products.

08-19-2014, 01:50 PM
Personally, I`d switch to Collinite 476S. Better durability and on your color it will have a nice warm glow instead of the brighter look of 845. Just reapply it every few months and your paint should be well protected. FWIW, once washed after applying 476S, the dust attraction is greatly reduced.`