View Full Version : Bizarre brown spots on vinyl side stripes... NOTHING I have tried works.

08-10-2014, 09:07 PM
These spots are one of the biggest reasons I joined this board, because I`m tired of replacing stripe pieces only for these spots to come back. If they can be removed, then that`s obviously what I want to do, LMAO. Anyway, onto the show...

I have a set of Avery vinyl side stripes from Bigworm Motorsports in Hugger Orange, and although the stripes are very high quality, I`ve been plagued with these bizarre little dots that appear on them. Within months, they start to get noticeable. Here are some facts about the spots:

- They`re only on the vinyl stripes. If they are anywhere on the paint, then they must come off very easily because I can`t notice them anywhere on the paint.

- They`re the worst on the driver side. Before I replaced the stripes, they were worst on the passenger side. One interesting thing to note is that this car is parked outside, and when they were worst on the passenger side, I used to park the car by just turning right into my driveway, and the passenger side of the car was facing these bushes that my neighhbor has outside their house. Now I park my car by backing in, which instead means the driver side is facing those bushes, and now the driver side has the spots worse... hmmm. Coincidence?

- The spots actually dug into the vinyl surface, so clay glides right over. If you look at the spots at the right angle, you can see the round edge of the indentations each spot made highlighted by whatever light source.

- The spots are perfectly round.

- For a lot of them, you can see remnants of what used to be a spot taking the form as some sort of yellow ring... kind of like a shell of something that exploded.

I can`t remove them abrasively. Clay won`t work and polishing vinyl is pointless, even if it is glossy vinyl. Current interventions attempted:

-Claybar (both aggressive and mild)

-CarPro TarX

-Super Clean degreaser at full strength

-Valugard Acid Neutralizer

-Valugard Alkaline Neutralizer

-CarPro IronX

Even gave a shot at using M205 on a microfiber towel in an inconspicous spot and still no dice.

I have NO idea what these spots are, and everything I`ve tried can`t remove them. I can`t even pick them out with my fingernail. I don`t know if maybe it could be Artillery Fungus being fired by those bushes my car is parked next to? I know Artillery Fungus is attracted to bright colors. But doesn`t Artillery Fungus take on a 3-dimensional look where you can see it on the surface? This stuff literally dug a perfectly round hole into the vinyl wherever they`re at.

It`s hard to get them in photos with my ```` camera, but here`s the pics I could get. The first photo shows them in their "remnant" state where they`re just a yellow ring or shell. I circled them in yellow.

Lemme know what you all think. I`m tired of replacing stripes! LOL

08-10-2014, 11:18 PM
What have you done to the paint prior to replacing the stripes? Could be something on the paint is eating through the stripes.`

08-11-2014, 08:21 AM
When I replace the stripes, I always give the area the stripes go onto a thorough IPA wipedown and I also clay those areas for good measure to ensure a smooth surface. I wouldn`t think these spots are due to issues coming from inside out. They look like something organic... they are very bizarre, especially with how they are distributed.