View Full Version : absolute virgin detailer

04-18-2006, 01:23 PM
sorry guys im sure you probably get this alot but i have tons of swirls and scratches on my black mustang and i really want it to look good for the summer but not only am i worried about doing more harm than good with the polisher ( although i hear good things about this porter cable random orbit) i also hear that like after 2 weeks or so major swirls will start to show can anybody help me out like what kind of pads i should use do you press hard on the polisher you know just some basic steps to get me going oh and one more thing can i buy quality polish products ( pads polishes) at lowes along with the porter cable?? thank you

04-18-2006, 01:28 PM
If you are intrested in getting a pc order one of the packages from www.autogeek.net They have a few diffrent ones that come with a pc, pads and products. I recomend the poorboys one. And welcome to DC.
Also if you wash and dry your car proiperly you wont get swirl marks. Jngrbrdman has a good site ocdetailerz or somthing. It has the basics and some more and advance stuff. Look for him on the members list and check ouy his site. It will teadch you what you need

04-18-2006, 01:32 PM
I use the edge pads and would recomend the edge 2000 kit... where do you live.. maybe someone close by could help out I know I always will help out/lend equipment and detail to help out...

04-18-2006, 04:52 PM
i live in worcester mass ive only had the car a year (99 with 34000) so its not bad but it did come with quite a few swirls and scratches about how many hours should i plan with thorough detail? what kind of towels should i use i use microfiber towels now but they are small and dont obsorb much thank you for the help and happy to have joined here at detail city

04-18-2006, 05:12 PM
For drying what kinda of towel are you using? i would recomend a walfle weave microfiber drying towel. Eevery one of the sponsors will have there version. If you are looking at getting some clothes i would recomend that you get a starter kit from one of the sites. But fro drying a walfe weave

04-18-2006, 05:22 PM
thanks, umm now i really want to get serious about detailing my car and i would like to do a complete detail on thursday im ready to buy the porter cable tonight and i think i will try poorboys i hear good things about teir products my only problem is in the immediate future thursday is the only day i can do it and there is no way the polish and pads will be here by then so is there any good pads and polishes that i can use to remove swirls and scratches that they would sell at perhaps a lowes or automotive store?

04-18-2006, 05:27 PM
I know some people liek scrath X by megs. I have never tried it. If i were you for now i would just buy some clay and wax. Do that and wait to tothe swirl remover when you have the pc and pads. Its hard as hell to get swirls out by hand. Also i would dfintly recomned pbs they are the best. Great stuff, good price. And good luck with the first detail its always a fun one