View Full Version : How to remove egg from a car.

Black Hemi
04-17-2006, 03:12 PM
This question has probably been answered a thousand times on this site but here goes, what can I use to remove egg from the paint on a car? The car was not mine but a friends, it is an older Jetta, it is black, and it is sitting in the 80 degree sun right now. Any help would be good. Thanks.

04-17-2006, 03:17 PM
Vinegar helps. Soak a towel with vinegar and set that on top of the affected area. That should help dissolve it enough to clean it up. This all depends on how old the egg is though. If it has been sitting in 80 degree sun for a few days then you are looking at having some paint damage along with some stubborn egg removal problems.

04-17-2006, 03:20 PM
Eggcelent advice Gingerbreadman...

04-17-2006, 03:37 PM
This question has probably been answered a thousand times on this site but here goes, what can I use to remove egg from the paint on a car? The car was not mine but a friends, it is an older Jetta, it is black, and it is sitting in the 80 degree sun right now. Any help would be good. Thanks.

I`d get on this one pretty quick....egg is vial on cars...and there is a good chance it might eat threw the clear coat...

04-17-2006, 03:39 PM
From: holland_patrick Eggcelent advice Gingerbreadman...

That was Eggaclty the pun i was going to make.

04-17-2006, 03:44 PM
You guys are `cracking` me up. :lol:

04-17-2006, 04:26 PM
I`d get on this one pretty quick....egg is vial on cars...and there is a good chance it might eat threw the clear coat...

exactly. The longer it sits in the sun, the deeper its etching into the paint.

I would get out there quickly and use whatever you got to, to get it off.

04-17-2006, 04:32 PM
Eggcelent advice Gingerbreadman...
har de har har

Black Hemi
04-18-2006, 02:18 PM
Thanks, so Vinegar is about the best thing to use? I am nost sure the owner is too concerned, (there is currently paint damage already).

Maxima Lover
04-18-2006, 08:14 PM
I feel sorry for your friend. I have a spot on my car where egg went to work on the clearcoat.

It was from a crazy ex who thought I cared more about my car than her. Unlike most of the other girls that say that, this psycho was right. Thankfully I found it soon after and cleaned like crazy with automotive soap and water, but it was dark and I now have a spot on my fender where I didn`t get it all off. :mad:

Sorry about the bad pic, it was getting dark, but my damn flash wouldn`t go off.

04-18-2006, 08:53 PM
Ok, we know what happened to your paint. The real story here is to know what happened to this psycho mad cow.... LOL

Maxima Lover
04-18-2006, 10:16 PM
Ok, we know what happened to your paint. The real story here is to know what happened to this psycho mad cow.... LOL

I informed her high school that she lied about her address and wasn`t really a resident in the school district. I wasn`t sure what was going to happen, but apparently they took it seriously, investigated it further, and kicked her out. Now she`s going to have to do her senior year over again at another school starting in fall 06. Might have been a little harsh, but mess with my car, and your going to pay!

04-18-2006, 10:37 PM
Vinegar helps. Soak a towel with vinegar and set that on top of the affected area. That should help dissolve it enough to clean it up. This all depends on how old the egg is though. If it has been sitting in 80 degree sun for a few days then you are looking at having some paint damage along with some stubborn egg removal problems.
Sounds a little eggcentric to me:lmfao