View Full Version : How Would You Handle This Spill

06-07-2014, 11:34 PM
So a week ago I finished washing my car by hand at my parents house. `When I was done I left my bucket and bottle of griots car wash in the truck. `For the next week I forgot about the bucket, when I discovered it, the bottle of car wash spilled out all over the trunk and has sat there. `What should I do? `Do i try to get an extractor? `Do i just try to use some water? `What should I do?

06-08-2014, 03:57 PM
I would blot up as much as possible and vacuum up as much as possible. Keep in mind with that much soap, adding water will only create suds and probably alot of suds. Keep in mind that cold water produces less "sudsing" action than warmer water, so if you are going to use water, I would use cold water to prevent "sudsing". Obviously if you have an extractor, you can use that, but a wet/dry vac should work just as well. You will still have to use some water to get the soap out, but keep at it and it will all come out. Hopefully most of it is on mats, so you can just take them out and hose them off.`


It`s situations like this that I am thankful I have weathertech digiifit mats in the front and back of both my vehicles. I had a spill once similar to that , but it was water, and all I did was pull them out, rinse off and put them back in. No effort at all....plus in the winter, the melted snow and ice stay in the confines of the mats and do not destroy the carpeting.`

David Fermani
06-09-2014, 09:03 PM
I`d pull the carpet and either power-wash it or hose it off til all the suds are gone. Could take a while.`