View Full Version : Matte Paint Care / Surface Scratch Removal

06-02-2014, 08:12 PM
` ` `So I have a Matte Black Victory Hard-Ball. `I was looking for advice on how to take care of the paint and remove surface scratches when they arrive. `I have only seen a couple of reviews for Matte Paint products. `As It is a Motorcycle I was hoping for a spray cleaner as apposed to a bucket wash. `Would Megs D114 work for that? `Has anyone used the Dr. Beasly`s Matte Paint products? `How about the Chemical Guys SPI_995_16? `Or how about RAT WAX, it is not really a wax? `


I have read a bit about the CG here on the forums and they received good marks from <u>mjlinane</u>`has anyone else used the products?


Is the Permanon Super Matte worth the price? `Has any one used this?


How about the CG WAC_203_16?


Sorry for all the questions, I did not realize that taking care of Matte paint would be so different.



Any advice on surface scratch removal?



Thanks for your patience,


David Fermani
06-02-2014, 10:52 PM
` ` `So I have a Matte Black Victory Hard-Ball. `I was looking for advice on how to take care of the paint and remove surface scratches <span style="font-size:24px;"><u>when they arrive</u>. `I have only seen a couple of reviews for Matte Paint products. `As It is a Motorcycle I was hoping for a spray cleaner as apposed to a bucket wash. `Would Megs D114 work for that? `Has anyone used the Dr. Beasly`s Matte Paint products? `How about the Chemical Guys SPI_995_16? `Or how about RAT WAX, it is not really a wax? `


I have read a bit about the CG here on the forums and they received good marks from <u>mjlinane</u>`has anyone else used the products?


Is the Permanon Super Matte worth the price? `Has any one used this?


How about the CG WAC_203_16?


Sorry for all the questions, I did not realize that taking care of Matte paint would be so different.



Any advice on surface scratch removal?



Thanks for your patience,



Welcome to Autopia! 1st off, there is no reason to cause surface scratches to your vehicle`s paint!!! Care for it properly and you`ll never need to polish it. Also, don`t be fooled by many of those detailing products that advertise designed for matte paint finishes. It`s a bunch of hocus pocus in my opinion and not different that non-matte products. You really have to be doing something wrong to inflict damage to matte paint finish.`


Check this thread out: `http://www.autopia.org/forum/topic/132685-simple-approach-to-caring-for-matte-paint-finishes/#entry1436938 (`http://www.autopia.org/forum/topic/132685-simple-approach-to-caring-for-matte-paint-finishes/#entry1436938`)