View Full Version : Can you overwax and does it make any difference if I change wax

05-22-2014, 10:04 AM
Not unusual for me to wax my garage queen twice in a weekend.` Sometimes three times.``New high end car, `purchased late last year that was stored during the winter.` Clayed, waxed and sealed with many coats of Griots since late March.` Considering (gulp)`trying the Pinnacle Sauvaron with a Klasse sealer.` One of the detailer online stores suggests removing the old wax if I make the change.` Is that necessary`or if I choose to stay just with the Griots, `do i periodically need to remove the old wax?` Car is garaged most of the time.` thanks for your input.

House of Wax
05-22-2014, 11:22 AM
If you`re going to put a sealant on, you`ll want to remove the old wax so the sealant can bond to the paint.

05-22-2014, 12:31 PM
megmarc- Some sorta-random thoughts on your Qs:


(You`re using Griot`s SEALANT, right?, not their wax...)


-I wouldn`t do the KSG/Souveran unless you have a very good, specific reason for doing so; IMO the best thing about KSG is that you can really protect the paint by occasionally layering on more, and the wax topper precluded that.` The look of KSG, even topped with wax, isn`t what I think you`d want, but I`m jut guessing (no, it`s not a case of "you only see the final layer", the overall look becomes a gestalt of everything done/applied to the paint).


-I like Souveran and have used it on one of my cars for decades, but it needs redone at most every wash and it provides minimal real protection.` It`s a beauty-wax for cars that don`t get used in the real world and it`s one of those waxes that`does need "stripped off" now and then.` NO WAY do I think the KSG/Souveran combo is what you oughta do.


-If you have many coats of GG Sealant on there (never used that product myself..) it oughta be well-LSPed, so what about just maintaining it?` Is there something you want to change?` If so, what?


-Many layers of sealant are usually OK (often that approach is even optimal IMO) but you gotta keep it *clean* or you`ll get dirt layered in with your subsequent applications and it`ll start to look dull.` Don`t over do it...most of the time you should probably just wash and spritz on a leaves-stuff-behind QD when you`re drying.


-Sooner or later you`ll need to clean the sealant off and start over from "bare paint" to avoid that gradual dulling, but "when" depends on many things (I`ve just been adding more`sealant to my S8 for years now, but it`s a garage-queen).


Quick EDIT: If you *are* using Griot`s wax, I`d sure want to upgrade to something better.` In that case, if there`s no marring to correct I`d strip off what`s on there with either a paint cleaner of some kind or a mild polishing or an AIO,and then apply the right LSP for your needs/wants.

05-22-2014, 12:50 PM
Thanks Accumulator, ` I am using Griots wax.` Have a couple of questions based on your thoughts

1)` In terms of why I want to try the Klasse/Sauvaron combo it was all about the glass look.` From everything I read it was a great choice.` But if as you say, it needs to be redone regularly then to me it is not worth the cost, especially given that it also does not provide the protection I expected

2)` At this point I have a DuraGloss sealant on as a base and everything on top of that is either a Griots carnuba wax or a Megulars carnuba wax

3)` My car is rarely washed, but frequently sprayed with` DuraGloss Aquawax or DG Fast Clean and Shine.` Dont wash because it is rarely in the rain.` Mostly accumulates dust

4) Any recommendation on wax or a different sealant or anything else much appreciated

` thanks

05-22-2014, 01:15 PM
megmerc- Hard for me to predict what LSP you`re gonna like, but if you want the "glass look" I don`t think KSG is gonna give it (with or without the Souveran topper).``KSG gives more of a "plastic-coated" look and the Souveran is used to (try to..) impart some depth and "richness".` Souveran can give a nice clear look (it`s my wife`s fave on silver) but it needs redone (including being stripped off now and then) all the time, and I mean *all* the time.` Plus, you need better protection for real-world use lest you get etching from bugs/birds.`


For the "glass look" I think you`d want something very "clear" and highly reflective.


What color is it?` If it`s a light or medium color I`d probably use FK1000P.` Other end of the color spectrum- on my`dark blue car (21 years old, I think of it as my`beater) I use Collinite 476S and it looks so good that people with new cars ask what they should use to get that look, and the same wax is what I use on my pal`s concours car (some "expert" though it was a high-buck boutique wax because "nothing else looks like that!").` But I`ve also used the FK1000P on metallic black and it got lots of compliments (people coming up to me in parking lots to talk about it).


Eh, note that I`m kinda jumping all around here, saying both "use a sealant" and "use a wax".` This stuff is just so subjective and you and I are different subjects ;)


General truism- "it`s all in the prep".` So I can`t help but wonder whether it`d benefit from a good Finishing Polish no matter what LSP you use.` But I never liked the look of GG waxes and I`ve never seen a car look OK (IMO) with them so I do think you can come up with something you`ll like better.


And BTW, I`d give it a regular wash from time to time; that`s the *only* way I ever clean any of my vehicles, even the ones that only get driven a few times/year.` Only way I can avoid (even very *VERY* light) marring, which detracts from the appearance.` And IMO your current regimen isn`t sufficient to get things clean enough for more applications of your LSP.`

05-22-2014, 01:41 PM
Thanks for the recommendations.` Car is white. What`does FK 1000 P stand for?

05-22-2014, 01:51 PM
On my white car I`m perfectly happy (literally)`with FK1000P, only LSP I`ll ever use on it. 100% satisfaction, as good as it gets IMO.


FK1000P is the name of the product, made by FinishKare.` AKA "Big White" and some other name that I can`t recall...do the dreaded search here and see if you can find some of the info Ron Ketcham has posted about it (he used to work for FinishKare).`


Quick EDIT before I go offline- I can`t link on this computer for some reason, but I went to Autogeek.net and under "synthetic waxes" you can find FK1000P, maybe 2/3 down that screen.` I really do think you`ll like it, but do some kind of light polishing first to get it really glossed up and to get that Griot`s stuff off of there.

05-22-2014, 02:00 PM
Thanks much.