View Full Version : hydro2 application Q

04-25-2014, 06:27 AM
Hey gang,


So I was thinking of cleaning up (shampoo, clay, TarX) the car after a harsh New England weather. Paint has the usual suspects including tar specks, dirt, and water spots.` I found a sample bottle of HydrO2 from Car-Pro`and I`got all excited about the idea of using the sample!


... but after some online research about how to best apply HydrO2, it seems an unprotected paint (no to minimal wax/sealant) will provide best bonding...


So here`s my conundrum: applying HydrO2 after I wash the car will not get rid of the water spots, and my wash regimen won`t probably knock them off...


...and if I do a quick polish using an AIO (speed for example), then`I`ll have added a layer of protection to paint which won`t offer best adherence for HydrO2...


Now here is my Question:


1) Am I splitting hairs here? Should I just do a quick polish to knock of water etching/swirls and go ahead and apply HydrO2?


2) Should I just try Hydro2 on paint as is (after paint wash of course)?


3) Should I just do the polish and wax using traditional product and try Hydro2 on my next was/wax cycle!?



What would my fellow`autopians choose to`do?



04-25-2014, 06:58 AM
Multiple scenarios/options are available you. If you had a water spot remover, you could chemically remove the spots, re-wash the vehicle and then apply Hydro2.


If you polish the vehicle to remove the spots, especially with an AIO, you are correct in assuming Hydro2 adherence will be subpar. You could always give the car a polish, re-wash to remove any polishing oils and then apply Hydro2.


I guess it depends how bad you want to use Hyrdo2. If you use Speed to correct the spots you could always wait a month or two and apply Hydro2 after a wash.



04-25-2014, 08:24 AM
No dedicated spot remover other than non-dedicated products like ONR/UIDJ/HD Touch.


I didn`t think about the option to just polish/wash/hydrO2 application! I could use my new HD adapt or`Polish sample bottle to give the paint a better finish, and then wash & Hydro2 application.` Thanks!! `That`d probably be a good balance.


I do`want to try HydrO2, and let`s be honest, I`m to anal to just spray HO2`on the paint as is, even though claying may knock some of those spots out, I doubt I`ll clean enough to my taste to where I`ll dare do that...




Edit: Well I after washing with Meg`s gold, still saw some left over on some panels. tried a wash with Palmolive (cheap dawn) and it cleaned up my side panels but still beeding on other areas so I gave up on HydrO2. Just used green B&s pads + speed to knock off those winter scars and left it at that.