View Full Version : hard water residue on shiny chrome

04-12-2014, 09:11 PM
Subject car sat at a dealer for months, maybe years. `They obviously washed it many times but the water was obviously not dried properly. `This has left a tenacious, white hard water residue on shiny chrome surfaces such as the chrome grill "vents". `It does not come off with wash or distilled water or chrome polish or wax and I am afraid to try anything stronger for fear of scratching the chrome. `Any suggestions would be most welcome.

04-13-2014, 09:58 AM
Espada- I`d decontaminate it with ValuGard`s "ABC" and I`d let the "B" dwell for` a good long time.` Let chemicals do the work and avoid the possible marring from mechanical methods.

04-15-2014, 07:34 AM
Or 3D Waterspot Remover. Rub it on, wash it off, then car shampoo.

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04-15-2014, 07:41 AM
Man I hate waterspots and I`ve tried a half dozen waterspot removers, but the 3D Eraser is the best. I know, ya`ll think oh JB you`re shilling - no, I am not. If you follow any of my posts you`ll know i recommend many other brands, but only if I`ve tried and they worked for me. BTW - the 3D Metal polish is also the best I`ve used too. Damn, did I just plug 2 3D products? Well, golly, I guess I did.