View Full Version : best way to clean off "heavy dust" from car? wash or use duster?

03-17-2014, 12:05 PM
I washed my car a month or two ago, and had put a car cover on it and left it parked in my underground parking.` Anyhow, someone decided to rip the cover off the car, and it started to it started to accumulate dust.` I did not want to replace the cover because clearly the car is attracting attention with it on.


The dust is now very thick on the car.. I do not feel comfortable wiping it off with my california duster as I am afraid it is just too much dust, and it may cause more harm than good.`


Should I not worry and use california duster despite the "heavy dust", or should I just wash the car?


Here is a pic of how it looks as of yesterday:


03-17-2014, 12:43 PM
You`d definitely want to wash it at this point.

03-17-2014, 12:51 PM
Yeah, wash it.


Noting that I can`t CCD/etc. without inducing some degree of marring anyhow....IMO if you wonder for even`a moment whether you oughta wash, the answer is "yes".