View Full Version : back in the game after a decade...is Klasse/Z1 still top quality?

02-20-2014, 10:38 AM
Got pretty lazy on a few interim cars and stopped really taking care of them, visually, but just picked up a new S4 and want to get back in the game.


About a decade ago (holy crap), I scoured this forum pretty regularly and took up a system of Klasse AIO/SG with a PC 7424 and 303/Sonus/Einszett on the interior and was always happy w the results.` Im guessing something has come along in that time to replace that, so what should I be looking at these days?`


also - whats the shelf life on AIO/SG?` A bottle of SG goes forever, but Im guessing its time to toss whatever I have remaining from 2004!



02-20-2014, 12:09 PM
Red1ine- Welcome back to it!` Fellow Audi-nut here.


Nothing wrong with the Klasse twins.`


Toss KSG from 2004?!? Perish the thought!`Mine are much older than that, easily over`a dozen years (!), and are still perfectly OK.` My KAIO is even "going bad" by most people`s standards in that it has suspicious nasty clumps of who-knows-what in it, but I used those scare-quotes because it nonetheless works just fine.` And absolutely *zero* problems with my KSG, which`I opened before moving into this house in Oct. of 2000.


All I use on my Audi interiors is 1Z Cockpit Premium, other than a *VERY* infrequent treatment of the leather (and I do mean *VERY INFREQUENT* as in not even annually).

02-20-2014, 01:32 PM
Perfect, and glad to hear it.`


I was doing AIO with the DA and SG by hand, but going through my toolbox, my DA pads are pretty beat.` If you`re doing AIO by machine, whats your preferred dual action pad, im not familiar with the choices today, but used to use a "white" polishing pad...

02-20-2014, 10:27 PM
Werkstat is a much improved acrylic system, easier to use too.`

02-21-2014, 11:09 AM
Scottwax- If I ever use up my Klasse, I do plan to consider the Werkstat, based on your recommendation.` That`s a big "if" though since the KSG might be a lifetime supply!


Red1ine- I`m not up to date on pads either haven`t bought any in ages.` I always do KSG by hand as I just can`t use the same tiny amount by machine, but for KAIO I use the orange Griot`s polishing pad (very different from other "orange pads").

02-25-2014, 09:52 AM
Werkstat definitely has a unique look too, I can even spot it in forum pictures. If Opti-Coat hadn`t come along, I`d still be using Werkstat as my LSP.`

02-25-2014, 11:47 AM
Scottwax- How does the look of Werkstat differ from the "sterile, plastic-coating" look of KSG?

03-02-2014, 03:47 PM
For lack of a better term, it has a more creamy look.`

03-03-2014, 02:47 PM
Ah, OK, I think I know just what you mean.