View Full Version : New Car Black...

02-19-2014, 09:55 PM
I am new re hebut have followed your collective advice by reading all the forums and assorted topics relative to my topic.


In summary I am getting a new BMW in Jet Black, a non metallic BMW color - decision made for better or worse.


I have a Meguairs machine and pretty good with it. I generally use the 4 step process of wash, clay, polish sealer and wax. I use boars hair brushes`

for wash and a jelly blade to dry so swirl marks are almost non existent on my current dark brown metallic car.


What I would like to get from you guys is the best products you believe would give me the deepest results for this car. I am willing (already in production) to deal with the dust etc. on black but it is my passion and when it is done there is nothing like it - for me!!


Again, I have some products - I have used Pinnacle wax and and Wolfgang sealant but I am sure you all know better products and processes. I really want this black Bmmer to talk!! Please let me know what products, whats steps and processes I should use when I get this car home; I will tell the dealer not to do anything but that remains to be seen.




Thanks for your inputs.

02-20-2014, 08:53 PM
The boars hair is good but the jelly blade is bad. Thats my first recommendation.

02-20-2014, 10:13 PM
Horrible color to maintain but it is also a great learning experience. The jelly blade will have to go. Get a small leaf blower and some really high quality microfiber drying towels.

02-23-2014, 07:49 PM
Honestly, you couldn`t have picked a worse color to deal with if you did it on purpose. Stock up on HD Polish, you`ll need it.`


Seriously, is it too late to change the color? Their metallic black paints are fine.`

02-24-2014, 12:04 PM
cmulgrew- Welcome to Autopia!


You can`t exptrapolate much from your metallic brown BMW to the Jet Black one.` For some reason the clear used over Jet Black is "stupid-soft" and basically impossible to keep perfect.


`I know this is all just toooo negative, but seriously, I don`t think you realize what you`re in for.`

02-24-2014, 03:29 PM
Have you thought of putting a`coating on the car--Optcoat 2.0 as an example--would add some hardness to the paint.`` Correct with HD Polish before so you don`t seal in the defects.

02-24-2014, 07:07 PM

`I know this is all just toooo negative, but seriously, I don`t think you realize what you`re in for.`


Maybe there should be a mandatory sticky that says avoid BMW jet black at all costs.`

02-25-2014, 12:10 PM
Scottwax- Heh heh, yeah....but I wonder if that might have, uhm...political reprecussions.` I suspect it`d have to be worded just right.


But yeah, I bet people just don`t have any idea what they`re in for.` "Clearcoat is clearcoat!" I always say, but this is one example of how that`s not always as straightforward as one might think.


Now just *WHY* the Jet Black`s clearcoat hardness is so different, that`s a real mystery!

02-25-2014, 12:32 PM
My best guess is that they use a clear coat that is different so their jet black paint doesn`t look like its encased on glass. Sort of like how Lexus was using a tinted clear on their jet black so it looks blacker.`

02-25-2014, 12:36 PM
Scottwax- Yeah, I supose so...but sheesh, it sounds like a lot for them to go through for the results they get, let alone with the whole softness issue.`