View Full Version : Having Trouble Buffing ppg 2021 clear caot

02-08-2014, 09:11 PM
Hello everyone be meaning to join this forunm for 6 months.My problem is I just painted 49 chevy pu wih blue base coat and ppg 2021 Clear Coat.The problem I`m having is Im get super fine scratches when I do my final polishing I call them spiderwebs .The paint looks good in my shop but if I put a swirlight on it there everywhere . I`m using 3m perfect it 1cut compound #2 polishing black pad,#3 ultra fine polish blue pad.Paint is about month old and I strated sanding couple day after I painted it.This truck has to look super nice, I have been painting and buffing over 25 years and this has me stumped.If anybody Have some advice I which way to go from here, almost forgot I started with 1500,2500,3000 trizact,55000trizact thanks I`m always looking for ways I can get better at my job.Thank Shawn

David Fermani
02-09-2014, 01:04 PM
Seems interesting that you sanded to 5000 and there`s still issues?`


Any chance the deeper sand scratches didn`t get removed and it`s what you`re seeing? What does these scratches look like? What towels are you using to wipe off the polishing compund?`


Welcome to Autopia btw!`

02-09-2014, 02:58 PM
Pictures under good lighting or sunlight would help.`