View Full Version : sealant, glaze, wax..makes sense right?

01-25-2014, 07:32 PM
If youre going to use a glaze and you still want durability, this order makes sense right? I just dont see the point in putting a glaze under a sealant due to bonding,and i feel like glaze then wax only would affect wax durability too.

01-25-2014, 07:33 PM
I bring this up because ive been seeing more people subscribe to the minimal polishing ideology, or those with dd`s who just cant be chasing swirls all the time.

01-25-2014, 07:54 PM
I do believe that the order depends on the product lines that you are using,

and how different product lines interact with each other.


Lets take for example, Optimums product line.


First, there is GPS, which is a Polish, Glaze and Seal in one.`


Second, if you are using all Optimum products, then you can actually Wax and then Seal afterwards,

because the Wax then moves outside of the seal.` This works together, as it is the same product line,

and that is how it is intended to work.` The reason that people wax first, it is easier to apply this way,

than doing the seal first then the wax.`


I can not make claims as to other products and how they work together, I just know that I have found

a combination that works well for me.

01-26-2014, 10:52 AM
Dellinger- Noting that there are all sorts of "glazes" and "waxes" out there these days....generally I wouldn`t expect a glaze to bond very well to a sealant, and I`d kinda question the point in using the glaze in this case anyhow.


Ah, OK...trying to hide marring, huh?` [INSERT my usual "don`t mar it in the first place, daily driver, showcar, no diff IMO...]` In that case I`d either try Meguiar`s Ultimate Quik Wax (supposedly hides marring pretty well), or just use some different LSP in the first place.


My `93 Audi has (originalowner-induced)`marring that I can`t safely remove, so I just use 1Z WaxPolishSoft (a mild polish/filler/wax type of AIO that fills quite well) and then I top with plenty of Collinite for the LSP.` Works fine with regard ot hiding the flaws and holds up better than most of the sealants I`ve tried (no comparison to, FK1000P, but hey...).` In the absence of the 1Z WPS I`d just use some other glaze and I`m 100% confident it`d work fine as I did that all through the `70s and `80s.


Oh, and if you want to use a "regular" glaze, I wouldn`t worry about it compromising the LSP`s durability.` NEVER happened IME and I used that approach for a long, long time with numerous glazes and waxes.` I`ve had all kinds of "filling" products dissipate under my waxes, to the point where the marring "came back", while the LSP on top stayed *perfectly* OK.` I know you hear a lot about that durability issue, but *IME* it`s merely an urban legend that people toss around as if it were a documented fact.` Heh heh, you`d think I would`ve noticed it happening at least once if it were a valid concern, but OK...I suppose there are some combos that won`t work just as there are (plenty of) combos that do work.

01-26-2014, 11:34 AM
<span>dfoxengr--`` HD Speed and Poxy seem to have some filling capability IME`` So you could use Speed for a light polishing then top with POXY.

01-26-2014, 12:18 PM
The combo i was thinking of was power lock, glossworks glaze, 845

01-26-2014, 03:31 PM
Honestly, I wouldn`t throw anything on top of Powerlock. I see no added benefit of doing so. Just less money in your wallet in the end.

01-27-2014, 11:53 AM
Yeah, I wouldn`t bother topping much of anything with much of anything.` I`d just pick the right (as in, "overall right") LSP and use that all by itself.

01-27-2014, 10:43 PM
For me that is power lock. But i wanted to glaze this car as well and i dont think power lock will go over a glaze which is the thought process that brought me to this idea.

I get 6 to 8 months from power lock and i know a glaze wont last that long even if the PL does play nice over it. So thats where the 845 comes in. Gives me the durability i need from PL plus the ability to reglaze when i want to.

01-29-2014, 01:51 AM
Dellinger- Noting that there are all sorts of "glazes" and "waxes" out there these days....generally I wouldn`t expect a glaze to bond very well to a sealant, and I`d kinda question the point in using the glaze in this case anyhow.




Accumulator... I know I`ve been posting quite a bit here lately... but, I was a little `thrown off` when I first started reading through the comments and came to yours, lol!


I was like..."Whoa... how did he know I was going to `read` this thread". `Then I realized, you mixed me up with the OP.



01-29-2014, 11:00 AM
Dellinger- OOOPS....guess I need to do some more careful reading and some less spontaneous posting!``Looks like`dfoxengr got the message anyhow... and yeah, OK, I can see why the toppe might be justified in this case after all.` At least we discussed it enough that there was some good thinking going on and it`s not just another "combine a bunch of stuff" idea.

01-29-2014, 01:17 PM
Dellinger- OOOPS....guess I need to do some more careful reading and some less spontaneous posting!``Looks like`dfoxengr got the message anyhow... and yeah, OK, I can see why the toppe might be justified in this case after all.` At least we discussed it enough that there was some good thinking going on and it`s not just another "combine a bunch of stuff" idea.



Lol, no problem bud... agreed, good info shared!