View Full Version : What is paint correction?

01-20-2014, 05:31 PM
I am slowly attempting to build content, write useful and pertinent artcles, and educate my potential clients. `I have worked on articles about coatings, waxes, and basic detailing. Now I am trying to write an article to teach my clients about the process of Paint Correction without getting too technical. They deserve to know the process, to some degree, along with what they will be getting from different types of corrections such as a single stage, AIO, multi-stage, etc. `This is my article, as of now. I consider a very, very, rough draft. Any pro`s or amateurs who want to chime in and give their 2c, I appreciate any input.

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote">

<span style="font-size:18px;">DOES PAINT CORRECTION WASH AWAY?
<p style="font-family:Arial, sans-serif;color:rgb(0,0,0);">Short answer,`NO. Long answer… So when I say that I will be performing paint correction on my clients vehicle, what I am setting out to do is perfect the finish, remove scratches, remove swirl marks, and leave the client with a finish that is as flawless as possible. `And`do not mistake paint correction for waxing and glazing. `Paint correction is neither and doesn’t just “wash away.” `Many waxes, sealants, and glazes contain oils or silicone that will temporarily “fill” and “mask” the imperfections in the paint. `I do not use these chemicals as I like to provide the client with a finish that lasts and I like to say`“What you see is what you get.”`There are no smoke and mirrors here.
<span style="font-size:18px;">HOW LONG DOES PAINT CORRECTION TAKE?
<p style="font-family:Arial, sans-serif;color:rgb(0,0,0);">This is a tricky question to answer. `What we need to look at first is what the condition of the vehicle is. Does it go to the local car wash every weekend (notorious for scratching paint and causing swirls)? How old is the paint, what color is it, and what type of paint is it? `Some paints are harder to correct than others. Some take longer and require much more finesse to correct without causing even more damage. `There are too many variables to this question to give one answer that fits everyone. `Paint correction varies for every single vehicle and`every single job is unique`in its own way.
<p style="font-family:Arial, sans-serif;color:rgb(0,0,0);">`
<p style="font-family:Arial, sans-serif;color:rgb(0,0,0);">Read more about What is Paint Correction by Xclusive Autoworks (`http://xclusiveautoworks.com/what-is-paint-correction/`)

01-20-2014, 05:39 PM
quite an important thing to educate your customers about.

You are in the right track. My suggestions are a bit off topic.

I would suggest that you explain why people need correction

and how to tell if you have swirls. You can also take the time to

explain proper paint maintenance so that correction is not needed.

This is important as the amount of correction is only able to go as

long as the clear coat allows.

Use this education as a method to educate them about coatings or seals,

and how the use of these can make their investment into correction

last for longer.

Good article, important topic

01-20-2014, 05:49 PM
Thank you, that is a good point about educating how to see swirls. Many times, in person, I show my clients the swirls under basic lighting (usually the sun or an LED light) and they are changed forever.

David Fermani
01-20-2014, 09:04 PM
Great job! I`d love to have you post more articles here! Keep in mind that optimally, people don`t like to link away from the forum to get their information. It`s best to put as much content here as possible. Feel free to link to your site though regardless for SEO purposes.`

01-20-2014, 11:05 PM
Great job! I`d love to have you post more articles here! Keep in mind that optimally, people don`t like to link away from the forum to get their information. It`s best to put as much content here as possible. Feel free to link to your site though regardless for SEO purposes.`


I can confirm. It has nothing to do with anything except I don`t want to click a new link when copy/paste could have provided the information.`

01-21-2014, 09:08 AM
What you state about paint correction is true, however, paint correction will "wash away" as long as clients ignore the advice on maintaining their car`s looks and they take `vehicle to automatic car washes, lets the dealership wash it or use improper wash techniques.


Nothing is more frustrating than seeing a car you corrected look like crap because your advice wasn`t followed.

01-21-2014, 10:28 AM
Irresponsible owners performing subpar maintenance only work to secure my future.` While there is a limit to paint thickness the inability of the owner to pamper their paint adds value to my service.` I have had customers that I have taught proper maintenance think that they no longer need me.` While this is short lived, and they call me eventually, there is sometimes an "I can do this too" attitude.`

01-21-2014, 11:54 AM
I can confirm. It has nothing to do with anything except I don`t want to click a new link when copy/paste could have provided the information.`


Not that I didn`t want to post the entire article, but I was concerned about having duplicate content penalizing the website and the forum. While working on the article, it would be best for the most original content to be here until finished when I can work on the website and also write new fresh content. Otherwise both websites would suffer. Google hates seeing things twice.