View Full Version : megs apc plus as paint degreaser/pre treat in foam gun?

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01-19-2014, 10:54 PM
I`ll rephrase my original question.

Does anyone prespray (from a spray bottle)`an APC or similar product (PB bug squash, P21S total auto`wash, etc...)`onto paint before doing an ONR wash or even a regular wash? If so, what product, dilution, and how long are you letting it sit?




<strike>I was wondering if anyone uses this in their pre treat foaming? Id like to mix it in or just spray on first and let sit.

The other option i was thinking of is p21s/s100 total wash.</strike>

01-20-2014, 11:52 AM
dfoxengr- I`ve never used my foamguns for that, no idea how it`d work.


That P21s TAW is kinda pricey, and it`s not a high-foaming/suds product IME, but then I`ve never run *it* through a foamgun either.


I see what you`re after, but in cases like that I just wash with "A" or FK1119 (yeah, yeah, save the flamejobs people, I know that the FK1119 is the devil and nobody should use it etc. etc.).

01-20-2014, 03:26 PM
I was thinking to mix with the soap i use for a presoak. Or just spray from a spray bottle before foaming... im also wondering if just spraying the degreaser before an onr wash would wipe off cleanly with the onr.

01-20-2014, 04:07 PM
`you can always have a bottle diluted with APC and spray each panel as you wash and rinse thoroughly. I wouldn`t use it in the foam gun/cannon just for the sake of it dryng it on the paint which really isn`t a good idea...

01-20-2014, 04:39 PM
Yeah guess im looking for something i can walk aroumd and prespray, then either foam or or onr wash, whichever i am doing

01-20-2014, 04:44 PM
P21s is the only degreaser probably strong enough to really provide any results. I`ve used APC, Citrus Wash, Dawn, etc. in my foam guns. The foam looks cool and all, but provides very little benefit. `If you are looking to presoak certain areas, you will get the best results from a spray bottle with the properly diluted cleaner.

01-20-2014, 08:18 PM
Have you used apc in a spray bottle before? Or just in the gun. I have megs apc plus so if itll work id rather not get p21

01-20-2014, 08:32 PM
I always use APC in a spray bottle. I have APC+ mixed at 4:1 for really rough stuff and 10:1 for normal use.

01-20-2014, 11:15 PM
So you use 10 to 1 on the paint generally for prewash cleaning right?

01-21-2014, 11:55 AM
If the car is really that bad, I will use 10:1 on paint but to be honest, that can be risky. I have seen some light etching or water marks from it on softer paints. I feel much more safe when using Optimum Power Clean diluted on the paint than I do with APC. Maybe I am just paranoid though.

01-21-2014, 12:16 PM
WillWashesCars- Interesting that the P21s TAW was that effective for you.` I find it *awfully* mild compared to some of my other stuff such as OPC.` You got etching from TAW?!?` Huh, never would`ve expected that.

01-21-2014, 01:53 PM
WillWashesCars- Interesting that the P21s TAW was that effective for you.` I find it *awfully* mild compared to some of my other stuff such as OPC.` You got etching from TAW?!?` Huh, never would`ve expected that.


It`s definitely mild. More like a concentrated soap as opposed to an APC. I saw no etching from P21s, I`m sorry I should clarify more. I saw problems with Megs APC.`


If anything I would rank them in strength from OPC, APC, then P21s. But P21s is the safest I have seen on paint followed by OPC (honestly just as safe as P21s) followed by APC.

01-21-2014, 02:51 PM
WillWashesCars- Ah, OK, sounds like our experiences are the same after all!` Thanks for clarifying.

01-21-2014, 03:11 PM
Ok thanks for clarifying. It looks like opc is what might be right for my needs.

01-21-2014, 06:49 PM
It sounds as if the OP has given up trying APC in a foam gun.

I just don`t think that you`d get a high enough concentration to

strip what is on there already.`


Does anyone know foam gun concentrations?` Lets say that you put

one ounce of concentrate in the gun, how could you figure this.`

First, this would be changed by the setting of the foam gun.

We should try and figure out the highest dilution and highest

concentration settings to see how plausible this is in reality.


If you add 1 ounce and you spray until the concentrate is gone,

how many gallons would you have sprayed approximately?

While this could give a base to work off of, this becomes exceedingly

complex as the concentrate is consistently reduced in the bottle,

so the dilution ratio is not static.


Am I really missing the ball here on how foam guns work?

Please let someone else chime in on this .......

Is the dilution ratio strong enough to where a degreaser is possible?




ETA: Dfox, I have had great success with OPC.` I mix a little bit of that with

some ONR and it is a great degreaser prespray.` Also, I like that if I don`t

use too high of concentration that it appears to not strip LSP.` Plus, if you

use a small enough amount it doesn`t appear to mess with the Rinseless

ability of ONR.` This makes it great to help with road salt and RVs.