View Full Version : Detailing for Safety

Nth Degree
12-14-2013, 10:28 PM
Detailing isn`t just about the aesthetics of your car; it can also be very important for safety.`
This short video shows how an unprotected windshield can obscure visibility. This is my own car. The driver`s side has been recently treated with GLASS SCIENCE RAIN CLEAR while the passenger side has had no treatment for months.`
http://i1183.photobucket.com/albums/x471/nthdegreenc/th_2013-12-14_16-37-11_353_zpsf803c02b.jpg (`http://i1183.photobucket.com/albums/x471/nthdegreenc/2013-12-14_16-37-11_353_zpsf803c02b.mp4`)
Notice how the untreated side causes water to pool and cause distortion, making it difficult to see objects clearly. This becomes even more problematic at night with oncoming headlights. The eye is capable of focusing past the water droplets on the treated side. At higher speeds (this was only about 30-35mph) the water will be blown off by the wind making it very easy to see clearly. RAIN CLEAR also dramatically reduces the adhesion & buildup of frost, snow & ice,
Every vehicle I detail receives some form of windshield treatment. While the paint protection may last for several months many windshield treatments will be abraded away by the wipers and need to be reapplied more frequently. Notice in the video that the small section of the untreated side where both wipers overlap in the lower center of the windshield has the worst visibility.`
Headlight restoration and protection is another example of detailing for safety. `
Detailing in general also provides an opportunity to closely inspect the entire vehicle. `I often find loose trim pieces, impaled tires, broken interior pieces, etc. `Whether it is a safety issue or not, I am able to repair these or prevent further damage that might be caused if the owner remained unaware.

12-14-2013, 10:58 PM
So for safety we have, windshield treatment and headlights.

What are some other safety concious options for detailers to market?

I would think that Eco products falls into this category.

If you can dump your soap into the plants or grass, that is a plus.

As you push headlight for visibility, make sure that you up sell the brakes

and turn signals too. Even though they might not oxidize as much ad

headlights, they do become obscured.

I can`t think of any additional safety items.

12-14-2013, 11:03 PM
I agree with you about it being or chance to inspect the vehicle.

Today I noticed how one of a clients front tires was much more

coated with brake dust than the other. Since he had bought it not top long ago,

I suggested that he get the brake checked for a train of excess dust.

The previous owner might have had problems on the one side.

Of course there may be a real world answer, like that show always went through mud, or

that the other side was under a carport. It doesn`t hurt by mentioning it.

I think of it as helpful, akin to the mechanic who changes your oil but notices

that one tire pressure is low.