View Full Version : Collinite Fleet Wax vs. Powerlock

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12-06-2013, 11:07 PM
Ok, I know a lot of people are down on powerlock because it`s not a real menzerna product or whatever the deal is. I will give my impressions. I picked up some Fleet wax at a local boat store, not a bad price for it and I know it`s a lasting wax and durable. In fairness I just put this on my Wife`s Honda a few days ago.

The other day however I was at my Mother`s and her car was just dusty and dirty and needed a bath. All I had there was OS, so I figured I`d give the car a dawn bath with some hot water (since it was quite cold out). I got each panel done, but you could see where there was still something left. Then I recalled that I had put powerlock on the car. The thing is ... it was over 6 months ago. Now in fairness again, this is a garage kept car, but it sees it`s fair share of weather as well. I was surprised.


The other thing that I have noticed about PL is that it is super slick. I can drive down the road and the water comes right up the windshield. It`s the only sealant/wax that I have seen that will shed basically all of it`s water with a 5-10 minute drive at 40-50 mph. The fleet wax is good and has a nice slickness as well. I will still use both. I`m just simply saying that those who hate PL for whatever reason IMO are missing out on a very good sealant with good water and dirt shedding abilities.

12-07-2013, 11:59 AM
I`ll say that Powerlock and Collinite 845 are my favorite two products for their different qualities. Powerlock honestly gives me slickness and beading for a year on garage kept cars. It`s really incredible and I`ll likely never stop using it. Go apply powerlock and then 4 months later powerwash the car, you`ll have fun just watching the water dance off the paint. I know I did the first time I did that.


I`ve tried BlackFire Wet Diamond, thinking that it might be relabelled Powerlock but it is sorely disappointing when compared to Menzerna.


Who makes Powerlock for Menzerna anyways?

12-07-2013, 12:37 PM
How is Powerlock with regard to resisting etching from things like bugs?

12-07-2013, 01:14 PM
ill have to check on that after washing one car that hasnt been in 2 months but has PL on it. Off hand though, i`ve not noticed water/rain/bug etching with PL in the past, and i tend to let those things sit for awhile sometimes.

12-07-2013, 07:58 PM
It seems that it has done well for me in the past with etching. I used the 885 fleet wax, and I am impressed with that as well. I`just have yet to find a more slick, yet durable sealant thus far. There is nothing I have seen that will completely dry the hood while driving. A lot of waxes and such do well and just have a few beads.. the PL seems to sheet pretty much all of it off.

12-07-2013, 10:43 PM
I`ve done some chemical testing trying to remove PowerLock and found the stuff to be CHEMICALLY virtually unstripable. The only thing I could spray and rub into it to remove the beading was wheel ACID. I tried IPA - no go. I didn`t try mineral spirits, but ERASER didn`t touch it. I`ve done similar tests with waxes and they are easily removed with any APC. So, I find this test valid, as some people will say the Dawn/APC/whatever is "hiding" the beading characteristics. Problem with that theory is, it doesn`t hide them with PL.

My guess is PL is made by 4*

12-07-2013, 11:25 PM
I believe that 4* makes bfwd which is why i thought it would be identical to pl save the color, but it`s not. Maybe just different/proprietary formulation to menzerna.

12-08-2013, 10:31 AM
Yeah, I remember a guy on here who was stripping his LSP`s to prepare the car for OC and the PL held on after the typical methods had been used.

12-08-2013, 10:32 AM
My point is just that I don`t get why people act so-so on the product when it is clearly a very long lasting and durable one.

12-08-2013, 12:22 PM
Powerlock is my go-to sealant. It is unbelievably strong and chemically resistant.

12-08-2013, 12:28 PM
I really appreciate all the feedback on this, the PL had pretty much slipped under my radar.` I`m thinking "PL vs. FK1000P"...


Re its being made by 4 Star- note that their UPP is utterly terrible at resistance to etching; bugs eat the paint as if there were no LSP on it at all.

12-08-2013, 12:45 PM
Id like to see that test since you speak so highly of 1000

12-08-2013, 07:38 PM
I think vs. 1000p you would find little comparison as far as durability. The FK`s heat resistance is a good thing... I`m not sure how much heat resistance that PL has.

12-09-2013, 12:21 PM
Well, heh heh, I don`t want anybody holding their breath as I don`t plan to actually *test* anything against the FK1000P in the foreseeable future`since I`m 100% satisfied with it and have enough to last for a good long time.` But with all this praise for the PL I did get to thinking.


Note that (as regulars here have heard a zillion times)`the FK1000P lasts an incredibly long time for me, a year isn`t uncommon once I get a few layers on there.

12-09-2013, 07:55 PM
Man i`ll tell you... I honestly wish I knew how you got that much out of it. I think it`s a great looking sealant. I LOVE the candy coating it gives. The PL is also easy to apply and remove and I could literally just put a coat on the car, let it sit all night and it just comes off smooth as glass. I would really recommend giving it a try. PM me and i`ll send you a small sample if you`ve never used it and want to give it a shot on your hood or whatever. A little does go a long way.