View Full Version : Steam/Vac Attachment similar to Tornador Blastor

11-26-2013, 10:41 AM
Hello Autopia!


As always, thanks for the intelligent conversation, the quick replies,

and the outstanding helpfulness!`




I am looking for an alternative similar to the Tornador Blastor attachment.


I like the idea of using an air compressor and a vacuum at the same time to dislodge and

vacuum out all of the products.` This seems like one that will greatly save some time.

HOWEVER, I don`t use an air compressor.




What I am curious about, is taking this to the next level.


I am envisioning using the same spray and suck dual use but with a steamer!


Would this combination not rival a hot water extractor?

I imagine that if you clean the carpet with Woolite, then steam and suck at the

same time, that you will achieve a high quality clean.`




Do you know of any attachments that would make steam/vac feasible?


Do I need to create my own attachment?


Would steam/vac together even work?


Would this be a safe method to use for upholstery as well as headliners

(as long as psi and temperature are regulated)



I understand that I can go through and steam, then vacuum in two different steps.

I am looking to clean more efficiently, to make more money per hour.


This tornador has me realizing that doing both at the same time will dislodge and vac

better than doing both seperately.` I also would think that sucking during steam would not

allow the dirt to be pushed deeper into the pile of the carpet.


I might end up altering a vacuum wand to accept a steam nozzle in the middle,

but I would much rather have a ready-made product.




I believe that a steamer would have more uses for detailing than a compressor,

as my vacuum can already be reversed to blow if needed.` I also do not see

myself lugging around an air compressor just to purchase the tornador.


Does anyone have any alternative suggestions, reasons why this may work,

or reasons that this may fail?



Thanks as always!


Gotta Love Autopia!` (the original)
