View Full Version : Help with removal of this stuff

11-16-2013, 01:27 PM
My brother who isn`t a detailing enthusiast, sent me this picture of a hard foam like substance that he picked up on his black Audi A8L yesterday. `He noticed it right away, and immediately went to a car wash, not sure if it was a spray only or one with agitating & scratching :) brushes. `These pictures are after the wash. `He states the substance can be picked off with finger nail with some success, but leaves a film after removal. `He tried a bit of bug and tar remover with minimal success although I`m not sure how much effort he out into it.


I`m writing to get advice on what product to use / or step to perform next. `Something that can be sprayed on or dabbed on to facilitate wiping / washing off the substance. `I was thinking IPA or rubbing alcohol or Goo Gone. `Eventually it`ll need to be clayed, but I think some of the gross contamination needs to be removed first. `




Thanks for your input

11-16-2013, 01:33 PM
I`m no expert, but I think I`d start with clay; then maybe some mineral spirits?


Not knowing the substance, I`ve found that chemicals can sometimes make a mess and just spread residue.

11-30-2013, 08:48 AM
i agree with trying clay first, but from the photo, it looks a lot like "great stuff" expansion foam, which is serious stuff. If clay doesnt remove it, I would suggest Xylene. Just be careful with it and dont allow it to dry on the surface.`

11-30-2013, 10:30 AM
I`m a big fan of a product called Contractor`s Solvent - available here at Ace Hardware. `The reason I like it is because of the safety warning. `It reads something like this: `For exposure to skin or hair, wash off. `If it makes your skin dry - use lotion. `It works on most things and I still have other chemicals available for when it doesn`t but this is my go to product.


In this case though, I think picking the stuff off followed by a light polish is the way to go. `Clay with soapy water might make it faster but by the time the guy drives to the store, he could be finished anyway.



11-30-2013, 10:56 AM
Agree with others, start with clay. I also like 3M Adhesive remover, Stoners Tarminator, Prep Sol and IPA. I usually spray on a MF towel and then place it over the affected area and hold it there for a few seconds. Then try an gently remove the gunk. If that doesn`t work I will spray on the affected area but in a cool, dry. shady spot and let it sit for a few seconds and then try and remove.

12-01-2013, 11:58 AM
3M Adhes. Remover == Xylene.` Its the main ingredient in all those solvent based cleaners. Cheaper if you just buy it straight. just a thought..

12-04-2013, 03:23 PM
Isn`t Xylene not supposed to be very clear coat friendly?

12-04-2013, 11:28 PM
Xylene does work quite well as a tar and adhesive remover. Its a main ingredient in most tar and adhesive removers.`

12-06-2013, 05:29 PM
The Xylene content in 3M Adhesive Remover is relatively safe due to its dilution - if clay doesn`t remove the contaminant try 3M`s