View Full Version : Best Bet for Scratch Removal...

09-30-2013, 10:54 AM
Just wondering what you might suggest for removing a minor scratch in my black 2011 Jetta Sportwagen. The scratch is about an inch long, and is not really as bad as the photo makes it look. If I run my fingernail across the scratch I can`t even really feel it. Would a product like Megs Scratch-X do the trick? Or even their Black Wax to hide it? Also, would using a scratch remover make that area look noticeably different than the rest of the paint? I do realize that i`d have to re-wax that area. Thanks for your input...


09-30-2013, 05:13 PM
It looks almost like a transfer of material from whatever made the mark. I`d try a real fine cleaner wax first.

Richard Grasa
09-30-2013, 06:30 PM
VW paint is very hard, so if it`s more than paint transfer you will most likely need something somewhat aggressive. I`d try the cleaner wax first and if that doesn`t do anything, use Scratch-X or Ultimate Compound on a microfiber wrapped around the tip of your finger (assuming you don`t have a polisher). Using your fingertip will concentrate the pressure directly onto the scratch. Rub vigorously up and down, back and forth until you get it where you want it. As long as you can`t really feel it with your fingernail as you state, this should do the trick. If there`s any hazing left behind from the compound, take something like Ultimate Polish and a fresh microfiber and polish it out.

10-01-2013, 11:57 AM
JerryInOCMD- I`d move straight to the UC and then finish up with the ScratchX.

Since we can`t really tell how deep it is you might want to err on the side of caution and aim for "significantly better" rather than perfect. Your descriptio n("...can`t REALLY even feel lt..." ) is ambiguous enough to give me pause :think: I get the feeling that you actually *can* feel it with your fingernail which generally means you shouldn`t completely correct it. Which probably won`t be too much of an issue since the VW clear will be tough to correct by hand.

Even so, take it easy around the edge of the panel, where it doesn`t appear to be scratched anyhow (which I consider very fortunate).

I doubt that the corrected area will appear all that different from the rest of the car, other than having its marring reduced. Not likely that you`ll actually change the texture/orangepeel all that much.