View Full Version : Help removing peeling clear from portion of wheels

09-28-2013, 10:12 PM
So I picked up some new wheels yesterday. They are a black/aluminum style. Got them cheap enough, but unfortunately the clear is peeling from the brushed aluminum side.

So I found a lot of how to`s for stripping wheels and using various products, but they all involved stripping the entire wheel with harmful chemicals. The majority of the wheel, the black painted areas, is completely fine. So I don`t want to damage the paint there.

How can I remove the peeling clearcoat from only the silver portions, without damaging the rest of the wheel? And after that, what polish or car is needed for a daily driver? Or would I be better off rattling canning some clear onto them instead of keeping them raw?

PS I`m new here and don`t see how to attach a picture. So the link for the wheels I purchased are here. The spokes have small amounts of peeling, will get better pictures up later.

20 in American racing wheels (http://dallas.craigslist.org/ndf/pts/4084586402.html)