View Full Version : What a crappy day

04-08-2006, 06:18 PM
My alty got recked. I was driving through a parking lot approaching one of those small intersections at the end with no stop sign. As I pass through( having looked before approach) there is this person comming right at me full speed. I punched it, but he caught my rear corner panel and sent me sliding into a 180. I then rolled into a BMW parked. HE JUST CAUGHT THE REAR END OF THE PASSANGER SIDE! Damage..... You can tell where the impact site was behind the rear wheel. Surprisingly the bottom rear panel held up pretty well, sent the frame up in to my trunk which popped the trunk lid( won`t close) and dented behind the rear door. The front bumper ( also passanger side) has a big crack in it and a huge scrape from hitting his rim which I think took most of the impact luckly I was only rolling when I hit him. I couldn`t stop the car. Cop wrote $7,500 damages on the report. I the guy was yacking on his cell phone and never tried to stop. I hope thier isn`t any possible damage under the hood. The BMW has a small dent behind the front wheel. Poor guy parked it at the end of the lot to avoid xxxx like this. I drew a crappy sketch to kinda show. Only pics are on my wifes phone. The funny thing about it all was that EVERY person that was on scene commented about how good my car looked.

04-08-2006, 06:30 PM
wow, that sucks, Yea I try not to talk on my phone so somthing like that doesn`t happen. Good thing everyone is ok and all. How was everyone to talk to, was the guy a jerk, or was he alright?

I love the sketch.

04-08-2006, 08:04 PM
Sorry to hear this. Freakin Cell phones should honestly be banned from usage while driving.


04-08-2006, 09:20 PM
The most inportant thing is no one got hurt the car can get fixed aslong as everyone is ok thats all that matters...

04-08-2006, 09:27 PM
sorry to hear :( that is a crappy day

04-08-2006, 09:29 PM
Sorry to hear about your luck. Hopefully your vehicle will be back up to your standards in no time.

Freakin Cell phones should honestly be banned from usage while driving.


They are on the base that I`m stationed at. The only time you can use them is if you have a hands-free device.

04-08-2006, 10:52 PM
Man that sucks. Its such i nice car 2. I love the alitma. To bad man. hope the repairs look good

04-30-2006, 12:39 PM
I wasn`t going to update this thread, but O got my car back and the finish is horrible. Not sure yet what I`m gonna do. They did a good job repairing and replacing the damaged parts. Their is overspray all over the rear of the car. The taillights are even covered in some kinda overspray. they micro scratched almost the whole car. Can`t tell if they used a rotary or a PC. Their is some smeared left over glue on the door. When they painted the new bumpers they didn`t sand them so there are little places where bumps. I don`t know if I should try and fix all of this myself. It would be a great test. Or if I should call Allstate since this was done by their recommended repair shops.
What do you guys think? I`m almost aggravated enough to demand the whole car be repainted. When I called to see if the car was ready they said yes they were washing it and I just cringed when I heard that. When I got in my car and was driving away, whoever washed it left the chamois in the car they dried with. It was filthy and it felt like wet particle board. I rewashed it and went over with S&G and QW+ which help dress it up a little.

04-30-2006, 08:52 PM
Have THEM fix it. That`s what they they get paid for. And I`m sure your insurance premiums don`t justify shoddy workmanship.

04-30-2006, 08:55 PM
I would definately have them fix it. It`s their responsibility to fix the car to your standards, as long as they are reasonable. A quality paint job is definately reasonable. What they did is totally unacceptable.

04-30-2006, 09:21 PM
Bring it back, get a new shop perhaps. You are entitled to a job done right!! Make sure the shop knows that they will NOT wash your car and that if anything is not done perfectly, you will get it redone.


05-01-2006, 02:08 PM
Thannks for the input.

05-01-2006, 02:32 PM
Yeah I just got my car back from the shop too, I SPECIFICALLY told the guy DO NOT WASH THE CAR and he was like it will be covered in dust and what not and I still said DO NOT WASH THE CAR.

When I go to pick up the car, the first thing I see are the greasy ass tire shine that are on my car.


Overspray all over the car.

Only smooth area is the part they actually fixed.

I hate repair shops.

05-01-2006, 03:12 PM
That sucks. Sorry to hear.