View Full Version : Trial by fire. 09 Balck Peral Honda.

08-08-2013, 08:15 PM
My first full car attempt at paint restoration. Long story short, I did not achieve a flawless finished product. I did achieve a heck of a lot better than it was. So I am happy with that.

My project had to be a Black Pearl Honda.

This car has had TWO rebuilds after baseball size hail and one wreck due to snow(the whole spare tire well had to be repaced) and has been driven pretty hard.

this is the 2nd dentless repair of the car and what I did not say is its a 3rd roof (stock +2 new ones due to hail) 3rd windshield, hood, fenders and a few other things. Tx hail is KILLER


One thing about the FIT, its a tough car and it runs like a top!

Sat 8-3-13 approx 1130AM Temp hovering under 100 and above 95

Washed with dish soap to get off whatever was left on car.

-Took pics (still not that great at that part) Note all pads are 5.5 Buff and Shine Flat on a HF DA with a 5" plate.

-Started hood with Megs Deep Crystal paint cleaner on a black Buff and Shine (B&S) flat pad.

- I thought it did nice but I could really see the below surface defects.

-Next I went with the HD UNO on a white pad. I did my 5 or 6 section passes but could still see stuff, moved up to an orange pad and then a yellow. I bought the UNO because it was supposed to be good for a lot and just switch the pads. I thought it looked good a few times till I backed out from the tarp and into the sun.

-Broke out Megs UC went over it with a orange then UP on a white and blue. I decided to stop there b4 I went to far and applied a coat of UW and then a coat of 3M Performance synth (3MP) wax as my 2 LSP`s. looks better than It was but not perfect.

LOTS OF cold water and AC breaks in the house. a few stops to get dinner for the kids, look back at some threads, and back to it.

I had the Less is More theory right. I know it was Technique and speed settings that were killing me. for the finishing of that night all I did was the grill, and L/R fenders. I just skipped the cleaner and hit them with the UNO on the white pad and they came out better as I got my pressure set better. 1:00 AM. I am beat, frustrated and my eyes are blurry.

Sunday: Start time about the same. And temps are better. Only around 85 to 90 and a nice breeze every so often. Rig up the only 2 lights I have, get my ground foam pads, water ect.

Left and right front doors are pretty dinged up from rocks, doors and years. I experimented with 2000 grit wet on that big scrape and a few other RIDS. I don’t have touch up paint but wanted to see if I could get it looking better. A new day and a new feel for the machine. I decide to hit with UC since its in pretty bad shape. This time I am not scarred to crank it to 5. 5 or 6 passes, its working great! I am now happy, follow with UP and decide to just use the 3MP. I am now rolling. Finished Left side by 8:00 (another break in there for making dinner). Used same method on R side and roof. NOTE TO SELF; Next time start on the roof first!! For what its worth here is the sides and the finals. As I said, Its not perfect, but it is way better than before I started. I am really happy with how the two doors came out.




and beauty shots




08-08-2013, 09:09 PM
Sorry for the doubble post.