View Full Version : How do you use clear coat?

07-29-2013, 11:54 PM
I`ve read multiple tutorials on fixing scratches with touch up paint/wet sand/polishing. I haven`t seen anything specifically on using the clear coat. If the area will be waxed/sealed afterwards, is it not necessary? The oem BMW paint came with the clear coat, no idea how or if I should use it.



tom p.
07-30-2013, 06:27 AM
I never use the clearcoat touch up. I find it makes the attempted repair far more noticeable. I`ve never had an issue where I skipped using it.

07-30-2013, 08:52 AM
Okay thanks tom. I will stick with the wax only.

07-30-2013, 10:44 AM
I, OTOH, almost always use clear as part of my touchup, unless using the Dr ColorChips system or some other single stage touchup process (e.g. Ford`s touchup paint). Most of the touchup paints I use come with the clear and the basecoat doesn`t have nearly the right look when used by itself.

No way I can ever get those two-part touchup paints to look decent without using the clear, and I use a *lot* more clear than basecoat.

08-01-2013, 09:50 AM
Can you explain how you use it in conjunction with the paint?

08-01-2013, 11:05 AM
tommy83- After properly prepping the chip, I use just enough basecoat to give a proper foundation- can`t use too little or it won`t look right (you`ll see the underlying primer/rust coverter/whatever if you use way too little and it`ll just look "off" if you use more but still not enough) and/or a metallic will look even worse than it will when things go properly ;) Don`t use too much as the idea is to fill (and then some) the chip with plenty of the clear.

I apply the clear in a few layers rather than one thick one. I usually "overfill" the chip so it leaves a bit of a "blob" raised up above the surface of the surrounding factory paint. Then I either level the blob (chemically or mechanically) or just live with it (at least for a while).

I want lots of clear, both for looks and for UV resistance. The basic idea is to do what`s done with any quality repaint- surface prep/primer/basecoat/clearcoat.