View Full Version : Porter Cable 7424 - changes with the XP?

06-10-2013, 11:57 AM
My apologies if this has been discussed before. Maybe I just fail at searching but I looked and could not find info on what exactly changed and when with the 7424. When I googled I found on a thread on AG where I guy asked what the differences were and if he should upgrade from his original 7424 for the 7424XP. That first part of the question was basically ignored and everyone was telling him to buy a Flex or something else instead.

So please, if you can, tell me what the differences are between the former 7424 and the "new"(?) 7424XP.


ps - I currently own a 7424 from circa ~2004, so i assume mine is the old spec. (And I`m not motivated to upgrade it. Just curious on what changed).

Paul Sparks
06-10-2013, 12:47 PM
This is a copy ( I stole it but not trying to take credit for the reply ) of a comment on Meguiarsonline.com. The thread is from 2009.

Couple quick points on the XP version of the PC7424...

1. New switch, speed setting, and over-all design

The newer ergonomics of the unit were created via feedback from customers and field testing. The older model switch/speed setting can be a bit cumbersome to use when detailing but nothing extraordinary. The newer version will probably boil down to a "feel" or preference choice. The differences in handle were meant to move your hand farther from the motor and head of the unit in an effort to reduce transmitted vibration. The truth is almost no one really uses that handle. Interesting to note that in the first customer video the participant instinctively jumps to grabbing the head of the unit of the XP (like most of us do). The increased cord length is nice but I`ve never had an issue with extension cords so the benefit is limited.

2. Improved/more powerful motor

The comparisons between the PC7424 and the G110 will probably never cease but it`s funny how everyone toughts the more powerful motor on the G110 yet Meguiar`s does not recommend speed setting 6 which means you`re only comparing speed 5 on the G110 to speed 6 on the PC 7424...and the XP version only improves on that. Truth is you can use setting 6 on any of them and the XP closes the gap in terms of overall power with the G110.

3. New construction

This one is really undeterminable until some units have been put through extensive field trials and use. Hopefully the same quality of design and construction are there.

06-10-2013, 01:10 PM
^ Thanks for the summary.

Doesn`t sound like there`s anything there to give me any real "DA envy" for the newer one.