View Full Version : Road rash

Corey Bit Spank
06-04-2013, 01:53 PM
I recently relocated from Milwaukee to the Detroit area for work. During the commute, a sheet of plastic (probably 2` by 2`) flew out of an open semi-truck trailer, hit the car behind, and appears to have hit my rear passenger door flat on. Before anyone asks -- I did not take down the plate and was more concerned about staying safe.

The scratches don`t seem to be too bad and only a couple short ones might not fully polish out, which I`m okay with (silver car). My dealer put Zurich Shield (complimentary) on the paint when I bought it in April 2012. I`ve never used opti-coat, but after reading reviews it appears this Zurich Shield stuff is pretty similar. Some of the scratches appear to just be this coating coming off, kind of like a thin coating of rubber cement (stringy). Does anyone have experience polishing off opti-coat? Is there anything special to it?

https://ii9s2q.bay.livefilestore.com/y2pY6Ob9wHitH7cHAHPvHgSZfRlu6zUKvVPt-I8ipRQOhkwJrnxJ4s8AuFoTcVef89zxG-W0PMj28rr7NsrLPhmYx6YxuWBmrKxVwiieIurTmX_LyIkYrG4y s36BXGNY8Tl/WP_001212.jpg?psid=1

https://wbjq8w.bay.livefilestore.com/y2pHwXOuNjh8qEROoiuasVSLNBbxxevX3zebZxaNkXl0gNBmT6 2kqfYZgdsJxMkR9VcsSqcvVUftA_XE2kKvgbb3SWmnDnoGIpUR _skanWNtfVUaLEUrTK7NPACOnlToEKI/WP_001211.jpg?psid=1

https://wbjq8w.bay.livefilestore.com/y2pxD0IFYnTFsFXuy2oxDaNEQpTtRPYUJ3EcLqcOB6SD7X5Zmg A4TKkI9RAWYo_4dpsGp7mnttIOphD9XxWfeY-x0MIqWYg8h8wmAoiqZa2z-pxp-ligAgr18sEiv6ubbkH/WP_001210.jpg?psid=1

Alternatively, the "scratches" might just be transfer from whatever hit my car. I`ll start with clay bar and go from there.

In terms of polishing... all of my polishes are over 6 years old (probably more like 10 years old). What`s everyone using? I`d be using it with a Cyclo. At least this gives me a reason to use my expensive polisher ;)...

06-05-2013, 01:11 PM
Corey Bit Spank- Hey, good to see you posting, sorry to hear about what happened.

I can`t help regarding the Zurich Shield stuff, but these days the aggressive products people like are M105, M101, HD Cut.

I`ve been using Uno for an intermediate step.

For finishing, I`d try the HD Polish, no question about that one!

Corey Bit Spank
06-05-2013, 10:00 PM

Is it a stretch to go from HD Cut to Polish? I might stick with Uno and Polish and just accept whatever removal I can achieve -- as long as most of these are diminished they won`t bother me too much.

06-06-2013, 11:03 AM
Is it a stretch to go from HD Cut to Polish? I might stick with Uno and Polish and just accept whatever removal I can achieve -- as long as most of these are diminished they won`t bother me too much.

Can`t say, I`ve never used the Cut :nixweiss

The Uno can do some pretty good correction, but probably not via Cyclo. Could satisfy you just fine though, I`d see how that goes.

Corey Bit Spank
06-07-2013, 01:46 PM
Well, I decided to use off-the-shelf products and the results were pretty good. Only three small scratches remain, but they`re barely noticeable.

https://wbjq8w.bay.livefilestore.com/y2pqwBzYAAaUx8b6KGVsBfRnj0ks0G0UbeUEhk4At3n-2aNhEUdeOOlj6_e_6LR6vWPIuH8Q17cFUfOVeEU9PPM9b1PYi3 o01iXnxss2qBnApFazh5qkh7k_Tgn0s-WV9bS/WP_001232.jpg?psid=1

https://wbjq8w.bay.livefilestore.com/y2pJ1ryqZsnR_ubw3xdGWXTHuV56Zsv75GSM1FvKCtGFQOyDTa y9sVFnxnMZan3cXxWlr4mgNuyKBiChorTSQ-jxxiosETpZwlmmHUa8f6yKyuwQ-xq4OfuSLZjWNFzzlN7/WP_001233.jpg?psid=1


https://wbjq8w.bay.livefilestore.com/y2pQmlSn8f11lopLv-wtnfrCuRAdN-OZcLv33p1BGmTyKhRGjhclub2Sn3IpoQz8ShwLUbjohJX5hZr-7b1MbcauENvQj4c_n7E5n2A3QRVM7I3BNP15VoxtboJjYULfvG D/WP_001234.jpg?psid=1

Duragloss Wash

Mothers Clay

Meguiars Scratch-X 2.0 (x3) for spot correction

Meguiars ColorX for final polish

All work done by hand. I`m happy with the results.

06-08-2013, 01:25 PM
Corey Bit Spank- Glad you got it livable :xyxthumbs

So the Scratch-X by hand was sufficient, huh? Wouldn`t have thunk that :nixweiss

BTW, your pix aren`t showing up...

Corey Bit Spank
06-08-2013, 04:16 PM
Fixed, I hope.

Yes, Scratch-X is decent stuff for hand polishing it seems. It did take some effort but I actually enjoyed the process more than using a polisher.

06-09-2013, 12:26 PM
Ah, yeah, pix are OK now. Sure glad it wasn`t worse than it was.