View Full Version : Thanks to Accumulator for hooking me on Boars Hair Brushes

05-23-2013, 09:35 AM
I decided to get a BHB after reading a lot of his recommendations, I got the Montana 10" brush from AG ($70 regular, but wait for 15 or 20% off + free shipping). it has a rubber bumper around the perimeter and a threaded hole for attaching a handle. I didnt buy the handle they offer, but found a paint roller handle in the garage that works (though I doubt I`ll ever use it, just nice to have). I got the 10" also because it fits lengthwise into a 5gal bucket for easy rinsing.

I think I`ll almost exclusively use this method for awhile (my regular wash method is power wash pre-rinse, foam with MTM hydro, 2 buckets with chenille mitts). I am going by what I think is similar to his method. I pre-spray with a fire nozzle any debris, then use my gilmour foam gun on the lowest foaming setting (lots of foam from about 4oz CG Citrus wash and gloss/rest water). Foam is sprayed directly ahead of the brush movement on the bristles. The brush is held with light pressure, not like shown in the advertising pictures from the order page on AG for the brush. A few passes then a rinse in bucket with grit guard/repeat. I do 2 panels then rinse with water just to keep soap residue from drying.

I have to say that this is so fast. The whole process is about half as long as my usual and the actual wash might be faster than Garry Dean ONR method. The only thing that takes me a little longer is my pat-down waffle weave/leaf blower drying. I think the drying takes longer than the washing. The bristles are so soft and I feel like this is less harsh on the paint than even ONR washing due to applied pressure and the constant foaming flushing. It also uses very little soap as I use about 1/4 of the foam gun container (1oz total soap) per car. Obviously not as portable as ONR and uses more than the 1gal. water that ONR uses (4 to fill up rinse bucket and probably another 5-6 for wash/rinsing)


05-23-2013, 12:42 PM
dfoxengr- Glad to hear it`s working for you!

Is it getting everything clean enough? I always have to do a follow-up with something else (currently a mitt/foamgun combo, though I plan to experiment with a variation on the Garry Dean Wash Method) to get everything *truly* clean because the BHB seems too gentle to get some stuff off.

Noting that shampoo dilution can make all the diff, interesting that you`re using the lowest foam setting; I use the three strongest ones.

Remember to move that BHB in short, interrupted "jiggling" motions ;) You know, just in case you do get any marring :nervous:

05-23-2013, 02:38 PM
Yeah I take short swipes. Ill try in a jiggle motion next time. I get a ton of foam so im not worried but I probably mixed it pretty strong and that soap foams a ton. It seemed to get it pretty clean. I did have to pretreat some stuff on one of the cars and use a mf towel to remove but honestly not much. I wouldnt use this method on a truly filthy car tho for that reason, much like most, people dont onr every car.

05-24-2013, 10:37 AM
dfoxengr- Ah, OK, I forget that most Autopians don`t let things get as filthy between washes as I do :o

Does your foamgun output flush/rinse the BHB out very well? With my boosted pressure mine basically keeps the BHB clean enough that I don`t really need to use a rinse bucket at all, despite the vehicles usually being so dirty (OK, this won`t work in the winter when things are *really* nasty!). It`s been forever since I`ve seen any real dirt in the rinse buckets, and so I`m kinda, *nervously*, gradually eliminating much of the rinse bucket dunking for the BHBs. Still gotta do it for the mitts as they retain more dirt, but again, I don`t see it in the rinse buckets at the end of the wash.

But I can`t tell how much my boosted water pressure contributes to the whole BHB-rinsing thing and I`m not gonna bother throwing the breaker on the booster pump or otherwise experimenting to find out.

05-25-2013, 09:24 AM
I`m not sure if it`s depositing much dirt in the bucket. I`ll have to look in the rinse bucket after next time to see. The rinse water has been really soapy so didn`t give it much thought to check.

What sort of booster setup do you have? Homemade or bought? What was the cost?

05-25-2013, 12:16 PM
What sort of booster setup do you have? Homemade or bought? What was the cost?

Big holding/pressure tank and a booster pump. Pro-install with its own circuit breaker and bypass piping/valves/etc., cost thousands by the time it was all done (and the occasional pump replacements are little pricey too). We added onto the house beyond what its original plumbing could really handle, and this was the simplest way to get good water pressure everywhere. Side benefit is that the pressure in the garage ended up nicely increased.

04-28-2014, 10:58 AM
Just felt like updating with my changes to the method here.

Have stopped using a bucket to rinse the brush, just rely on suds to carry away dirt. Also ill spray out the brush when i spray off panels.

I no longer use WW to dry. Have tried out a method with a 500+ gsm mf and a waterless wash, quickly go around the car (leaves streaking), so i follow that up with a similar go around with a qd, like v07. No streaks and some protection, great gloss.

04-28-2014, 11:59 AM
dfoxengr- Ah,` I wasn`t sure if unboosted water pressure would be enough for it it do that "self-rinsing" thing, glad it`s working out OK for you.` You can really do it *fast* that way, huh?!?


I too have been trying a rinseless wash for my drying aid (IUDJ).` So far so good, but it`s not replacing my QDs completely.

04-29-2014, 08:49 PM
I did recently get rid of some restrictions i had in my hose. Pressure and flow are really good and i get a lot of suds. Yes i move quite quickly. And like youve told me and ive found on my own, this just doesnt work for super dirty stuff.

04-30-2014, 10:32 AM
Heh heh, if I`d wash more often I bet I could really streamline my process.