View Full Version : How To Fix Scratched Car Door?

05-13-2013, 07:17 AM
So after leaving a family member`s house last night I noticed there is one huge 3 inch long and deep scratch on the bottom driver`s side door (when I did the finger nail test my nail felt the scratch) as well as three smaller scratches that are not as deep. Caused most likely by their dog (two year old Golden Retriever who is way out of control). I had just washed the car prior to going to the family function and did not see the scratches.

I already bought some Mocha Brown touch up paint and Meguiar`s Scratch X 2.0. Should I have a professional fix this or is this something I can do safely at home? The scratches look really bad.

I am including some photos. The car is about 5 months old and I have already clayed it, polished, and waxed it and I wash it every week as well as use Quick Detailer couple of times a week. You can see the paint is very glossy and reflective from the products I use so it`s a bit hard to see the scratches, I edited the photos slightly to make the car door appear darker so it`s easier to see the scratches.

What is the best way to go about fixing this?

The two products I mentioned have not arrived yet, however I do have some Polish left. Should I polish the smaller scratches to see if they will go away? There is an auto detailing shop right by my house that removed all of my car emblems, so I am sure they could water or sand blast the scratches. At what point should I use the touch up paint?

http://i409.photobucket.com/albums/pp177/DavidTM08/photo1_zps9959bfae.jpg (http://s409.photobucket.com/user/DavidTM08/media/photo1_zps9959bfae.jpg.html)

http://i409.photobucket.com/albums/pp177/DavidTM08/photo2_zpse4754f50.jpg (http://s409.photobucket.com/user/DavidTM08/media/photo2_zpse4754f50.jpg.html)

http://i409.photobucket.com/albums/pp177/DavidTM08/photo3_zps560ba053.jpg (http://s409.photobucket.com/user/DavidTM08/media/photo3_zps560ba053.jpg.html)

tom p.
05-13-2013, 07:54 AM
Hulk, welcome aboard! Those scratches appear to be in the clear coat. I don`t think you`ll need touch up paint. I suspect those scratches will clean up nicely with a quick machine polish. If you aren`t comfortable with it or don`t have a machine, defer to a local (pro) detailer in your area.

05-13-2013, 10:33 AM
Hulk311- Welcome to Autopia!

I agree (per usual) with tom p.. Even if the scratches are too deep for safe/complete removal, they can almost certainly be improved to the "hardly noticeable" point.