View Full Version : Why didn`t he rinse the car before foaming it with the soapy water?

05-04-2013, 01:37 PM
Just saw a video where the demo guy didn`t rinse the car before squeezing soapy water on the paint... Tried to link the video but my Ipad wasn`t cooperating. Will attempt to link it to this thread... Give me a moment.

05-04-2013, 01:42 PM
Just saw a video where the demo guy didn`t rinse the car before squeezing soapy water on the paint... Tried to link the video but my Ipad wasn`t cooperating. Will attempt to link it to this thread... Give me a moment.

Sorry my ipad still isn`t cooperating. But you get the idea. He did not first rinse the paint and didn`t use a foam gun...just squeezed soapy water from the bucket. A little feedback please!

Nth Degree
05-04-2013, 02:48 PM
Probably for the same reason people use a kitchen scrub sponge to remove bugs or tar; they don`t know any better.

Ron Ketcham
05-04-2013, 02:53 PM
Un-PC, but sometimes the truth hurts---"hire the handicaped,they are fun to watch!"

05-04-2013, 03:00 PM
Un-PC, but sometimes the truth hurts---"hire the handicaped,they are fun to watch!"

Making fun of the handicapped is not cool Ron.

05-05-2013, 12:36 AM
Under that heading....

I had to FORCE my son and his buddies to wash the Caddy yesterday (because it was going to rain all weekend) because I`ve been fighting with a slipped disc all week. No big secret I`m disabled, and often have to wear a back brace. Teenage boys being as they are (although THESE THREE all graduated last summer) their attention span is about 30 seconds long.

So, during the course of washing the Caddy I was trying to get them to pay attention to getting the wheels & wheel wells done right. (These Cadillac wheels have a zillion tiny squares in them.) Well anyhow... I was trying to get down to show them what/how I wanted it done, not being able to bend at all... and sure enough, caught one of them mocking the way I was moving. Had I been able at the time I`d beat the ^%#%#^*&%$@#!$^ out of him!

As it was, I did get back at him a little later. Had some left over DG 901 that I poured back into a water bottle from the foam gun. Being as it was all pretty, red, and looked like Koolaid I put the bottle up to his nose and told him to smell it, (pretending it was drinkable) then I squeezed the bottle and filled his nose and face with it! :target:

Ron Ketcham
05-05-2013, 10:12 AM
I qualified, Legacy. Don`t get your panties in a bunch.

05-06-2013, 01:48 PM
I qualified, Legacy. Don`t get your panties in a bunch.

I have a brother who is mentally challenged and take offense to statements like the one you made.