View Full Version : Paint Cure Time?

05-04-2013, 01:01 AM
So I plan on getting my truck repaired either black or silver. It`s black right now and I always try to keep it perfect.

Any one have any idea on cure time? I don`t have a garage and there are a bunch of tress sound my house. Every morning there are leaves/acorns or whatever on my truck. I`m afraid that would damage the new paint while its soft. And then what about washing? Would it be bad for the paint if I didn`t wash it for a month or two to let it cure since all that stuff would be hitting it. Or bad if I wash it to soon? Then how long before I can opti-coat it? And can`t wait to get back to waxing every month and washing once a week.


Ron Ketcham
05-04-2013, 10:25 AM
Since there are many viables, such as what paint materials used, what kind of booth, etc, it is best to ask this question of and follow the advice of the shop doing the repaint work.