View Full Version : Help! Vomit in Truck 2 hr heavy clean already but still smells?

05-01-2013, 06:57 PM
I have a client whom had a friend vomit multiple times while sitting in the back seat area of a quad cab Ram truck. I vacuumed, wet the surfaces, went over with Folex, let it soak and did the regular interior detail, then scrubbed the folex areas, wiped with microfiber, went back over 2x with a stronger APC cleaner (greased lightning was what I had at the time diluted of course) and then rewiped with a microfiber, wet the carpets and upholstery and scrubbed a second time, extracted, and then a final wipe to dry. I also went over about 3 times with a steam cleaner as well. I dug under the seats, in the hinges, in gaps between the seats, and everywhere I could see and smell funky matter. It was a very clean truck to begin with yet I still managed to be there for about 2 hours. Its now been a few days later and the client is saying he can still smell the vomit and that there`s a slight whitish stain on the front of the back seat in one spot; its the spot where the friend had their head laying when the incident occurred. What else should I try?

05-01-2013, 07:04 PM
Sounds like to me you`ve done enough. I would tell them to beat it at this point in time

btw...how does someone vomit multiple times w/out exiting the truck? That is so uncool ...

05-01-2013, 07:24 PM
Spray area with odoban :)

05-01-2013, 08:20 PM
I would kind of echo the second post. Not necessarily tell him to beat it, but unless you guaranteed it would be completely gone he needs to pay more before any more work is done.

05-02-2013, 06:41 AM
X-O Plus Organic Spray Economical Concentrate (32oz) (http://www.rimaxbio.com/servlet/the-21/X-dsh-O-XO-Plus-Spray/Detail)

For just such an emergency...

05-02-2013, 08:15 PM
Put a couple of bowls of vinegar in it overnight, I use that on smoker`s car and it does a pretty good job.

05-02-2013, 09:04 PM
I use an enzyme cleaner from Automagic. It work well, I used it fresh college puke, from the party the night before. It is water activated, so I miss it on site and spray liberally. I noticed it started to make the odor go away a few minutes later. It eats up organic matter and bacteria. It dilutes 1:32.

05-02-2013, 09:35 PM
Might have soaked through into the backing of the carpet. You may have to pull the seats out and pull the carpeting up.

05-02-2013, 09:49 PM
Enzyme will be your best bet. Apply liberally and keep damp for 8 - 24 hours. I place a damp towel over the area to keep it from drying out to quickly. I use a custom blend of enzymes but you should be able to get some kind of enzyme cleaner from a local detail distributor.

tom p.
05-03-2013, 07:01 AM
Enzyme-based, can be purchased at W*mart:


05-03-2013, 09:27 AM
I use enzyme pre-spot from automagic as well. Good stuff we dilute 1:10 however. 1:32 was a tad light for me i guess.

IHA Mark
05-03-2013, 10:53 AM
You need a DrivePur treatment. That smell has probably permeated far beyond just where the vomit was.

05-03-2013, 01:58 PM
Might have soaked through into the backing of the carpet. You may have to pull the seats out and pull the carpeting up.

Wouldn`t it be more likely that it soaked into the seat padding?

Fireguy mike
05-09-2013, 11:50 PM
I have been using Vampire blood spotter from Mt. Hood Chemical in Oregon. It`s designed to remove blood from firefighter bunker gear. It`s a very mild enzyme cleaner that attacks and attached itself to proteins. As always, check for colorfastness, and spray on area for 2-4 minuets then extract off. Has worked great for me!

05-10-2013, 02:43 PM
Enzyme-based, can be purchased at W*mart:


I have used this a couple of times to apply to small areas where my son had vomited (once in the house and the other in my wifes car). Worked quite well in those particular instances. .....although I don`t know how it measures up to the other enzymatic cleaners mentioned.