View Full Version : Discussing Xzilon with clients

IHA Mark
04-23-2013, 10:06 AM
How do you fellow pro`s approach this?

I talk to my clients about Opti-Coat and at least half the time they come back with "Oh no I don`t need that, I had the Xzilon put on, it will never have to be waxed?"

How do you explain them that Xzilon is basically just a paint sealant without them feeling like they got ripped off?

On another note, how do you explain to them that Xzilon is an inferior product without looking like you are just trying to hype your own product?

04-23-2013, 03:11 PM
I`d use similar approach as when discussing your other chemicals are probably superior to the local car wash place. Learn about optimum as a company and what research and testing they put into OC, also discuss testing you`ve seen online that other detailers perform. Discuss with them how owners of top car marques are using OC. Learn the same history of Xzilon and if they use a lot of marketing hype. As the pro, be confident when you explain the difference. Maybe to downplay that their "coating" is junk, say something like "unfortunately, Xzilon it is not permanent, but we can do a coating that is, and has a lifetime warranty available".

04-23-2013, 03:29 PM
If you`re missing out on a bunch of work from it perhaps you should put a panel in the shop or even leave it outside, half coated with OC and half with Xzilon.

Of course I would Pressure wash the hell out of that panel and degrease it/ wash it/ whatever else you can think of to speed up the wear on it. Spray with water in front of customers, tell them which side has which product and how long it`s been on there.

Customers, as a rule, are cheap and lazy. They won`t go out and do the research to see if your product is worth more and they won`t spend more if both you and the other detailer are telling them "this product is great and will last forever." You literally have to show them why your product is better and prove it in as short a time span as possible.

And this way, you`re not bad mouthing the other product or talking it down, just showing your customer the difference between the 2.

04-23-2013, 04:07 PM
I think the easiest thing might be to ask them if they are happy with the performance of Xzilon. Listen and find opportunity in what they have to say.

Trashing a product is going to build resentment and possibly make the customer feel stupid. Offering a product that takes what Xzilon does and goes above and beyond is much more appealing. If they are happy with the product good for them. The last thing you want to do is "remove" it, and then run into issues when they attempt to use their warranty (which is really what Xzilon is about).

04-23-2013, 08:18 PM
I would ask if I could speak frankly with them. When they say yes, I explain that one works and one does not. I would suggest that instead of them taking my word for it, to look up reviews for both products online. I would end it with....

"The reason I am doing this is because I`ve seen a lot of people`s cars damaged because they leaned on Xzilion to protect and it did not. After you research the products, please reach out to me and I will happily answer any questions or concerns you have."

Because my clients know me as a very candid detailer, they are not offended when I give directions or suggestions. I also do not pressure them into anything at any time so there is not a sense of them needing to buy right now. The end result is what I say comes across as education and not me trying to upsell. Most of the time they pull the trigger once they learn the best way to do something. They are smart people after all.

04-23-2013, 08:43 PM
When i sold my first OC on that black grand sport. We had already sold him a paint sealant and to up sell the OC i basically said ya the sealant is a good product and this is the purpose it serves and what it can provide protection wise for your vette, and here is OC and its a better product and here is how it works and the protections it provides for your car and what do you know he gladly paid a few hundred more bucks to opt for the OC :)

04-23-2013, 10:35 PM
You can tell them they purchased a warranty, but the product itself is not too good. In fact you can purchase it for less than $20 on fleabay.

04-23-2013, 10:46 PM
I`m not a pro detailer, but I think the approach I would take isn`t one that besmirches Xzilon or one that makes the client feel stupid for effectively overpaying for an unenforceable warranty. Instead, I`d try to arm them with more factual information so they can make an informed decision themselves. e.g., Xzilon is a paint sealant, there doesn`t exist a paint sealant that lasts forever, dealerships sell you a warranty, you need to read the fine print about periodically bringing your car back for re-application or refreshers of Xzilon, etc.

Once they realize what they`ve bought isn`t something invincible, then you can compare that with the merits of Opti-Coat.

Envious Eric
04-27-2013, 02:51 PM
the xzilon stuff is junk, this is better...explain that if they miss the warranty half yearly detail appointment, their warranty is void, so they wasted money. better to be honest. Ive done it numerous times and quitre a few said, oh that sucks, lets just remove it and add 22ple....looks better and protects better

IHA Mark
04-27-2013, 06:54 PM
the xzilon stuff is junk, this is better...explain that if they miss the warranty half yearly detail appointment, their warranty is void, so they wasted money. better to be honest. Ive done it numerous times and quitre a few said, oh that sucks, lets just remove it and add 22ple....looks better and protects better

I did not know you had to have a bi-yearly detail appointment! I really need to read up on their policies and such.

Great advice in this thread.

04-28-2013, 09:21 AM
the xzilon stuff is junk, this is better...explain that if they miss the warranty half yearly detail appointment, their warranty is void, so they wasted money. better to be honest. Ive done it numerous times and quitre a few said, oh that sucks, lets just remove it and add 22ple....looks better and protects better

We all know you are being honest. But any customer with 1/2 a brain does well to think...hmm, this guy is selling OC and I already own Xzilon. He`s just trying to make a buck.