View Full Version : What`s better than P21S on dark, metallic gray?

04-17-2013, 04:11 PM
I have a sterling gray Ford. I like to use a carnuba product so I can get depth and reflection. As a side note, I use Prima HydroSeal on my other silver and while vehicles, and I love it. Although it doesn`t last as long, I don`t mind waxing, so I use the carnuba on my dark gray.

I`ve tried various waxes, and was hooked on Sovergn for the longest time. Then I switched to P21S because I thought it had more depth and was a little easier to remove. I recently changed to P21S 100%, and I like it just as well.

Just wondering if there are other carnubas out there that anyone would recommend for an even wetter look and higher level of depth. I`ve been looking at the Migliore products. I see that BlackFire has a new BlackICE with montan in it. I know Dodo Juice has some fancy stuff too. Without me having to buy tons of high-cost products to try, I was hoping a few of you would have some suggestions that would best my `ol P21S. And the paintwork on this vehicle is perfect as far as prep-work goes...so I`m just focused on the LSP that`s going to have the little but extra over the others.

04-17-2013, 04:18 PM
You`re at the point of splitting hairs. I`d certainly avoid any AG concoctions like BlackICE or Fuzion, it`s just marketing at its best. My suggestions would be CG50/50 or Glasur, both will last longer than the P21S and might look better to your eyes.

04-17-2013, 04:46 PM
Opti-Seal followed by Optimum Car Wax on silver/grey is amazing. Easy and cheap too. Other option would be Collinite 476.

04-17-2013, 08:27 PM

How long should OS cure before OCW?

04-18-2013, 12:00 PM
cobrar97- IMO P21S is the *exact* wrong wax for the look you`re after, and that`s why I hated it on my Metallic Gray Jag. IT was too bright and reflective, with insufficient depth for the look I`m after on that car.

If it`s all about looks, I`d go with Söuveran. Otherwise, I agree with Scottwax...go with Collinite 476S.

04-18-2013, 12:24 PM
I tried the Souveran originally, and it was just dead and lifeless. I used it three times to give it a fair shake, and just wasn`t impressed. If didn`t even have any depth. Many, many people swear by it; so I figured I couldn`t go wrong. Maybe my eyeball just isn`t the same?

I`ve never used Collinite products before. Maybe I should check that out.

04-18-2013, 12:40 PM
If you didn`t like PS, 476 is going to give you a similar look. 845 might be closer to what you like. Also NXT and Zaino are really bright and bold.

04-18-2013, 12:46 PM
I tried the Souveran originally, and it was just dead and lifeless..

Huh....don`t take this as an :argue or anything, but that *really* surprises me :eek: Gotta admit it has me thinking "prep" :think: Aw gee I hope that doesn`t sound [snotty]. Söuveran is about the only LSP my wife can spot, simply *because* it has such an impressive look (she`d like it on her daily, but I got tired of redoing it all the time).

845 might be closer to what you like.

I always think 845 (which I do like) looks a *lot* like the P21s (and M16 too for that matter).

If you didn`t like PS, 476 is going to give you a similar look.

Ya know, I find both of those (PS and 476S) to be *extremely* dependent on prep. I hated 476S on my (metallic black) Yukon until I repolished with different stuff, and then the flake was really impressive (whereas before it looked muted). Just having it "marring-free) wasn`t enough for some reason, it needed some burnishing to make the 476S look its best.

04-18-2013, 01:26 PM
Accumulator - Just for additional information. This vehicle is a brand new 2013 F150. Actually built in March on this year...so it`s pretty new. When I got it, I did the usual decontamination (since I`m sure the dealer wasn`t priortizing my vehicle). After than it was scratch free...but I polished it anyhow. Since we still had snow potential and tons of salt dust on the roads, I put Prima HydroSeal on it. I like that because it gets into all the cracks and crevicies. Obviously being a sealant, it looked good; but not "deep". 2 weeks later, when it had rained alot and much of the salt-dust had finally been washed away, I put the PS on. It just didn`t look like I expected. A few days later, I did coat #2. A little better, but still not great. A few days later, a 3rd coat. Nothin. Finally, I grabbed my old P21S that`s been sitting there since I last used a carnuba product (years ago), and boom...what a difference. Paint got deeper and brighter both. The "brightness" isn`t necesarily good or bad for me; the reason I started this thread about wax was to question a deeper wax to best my P21S since I know it`s not really known for that. Did I do something wrong with the PS??? I know other people love it.

I don`t take offense to anything you`ve said, I`m just trying to become educated of a better product or something I`ve done wrong with the product I`ve got. Any more ideas?

04-18-2013, 01:47 PM
Cobra, I`m with you, I never really liked PS on anything but black or dark blue. Tons of better products for metallics.

04-19-2013, 11:09 AM
cobrar97- Glad I`m not coming across as a pompous [jerk]. Maybe the PS just didn`t "look its best" over top of the Prima, or maybe it`s just eye-of-the-beholder stuff and the look isn`t right for *you*. No need to mess around any more with something that doesn`t work for you, but I *would* be curious about what you think of it if you try it after the next polishing.

Hmmmm..."deeper"... :think: Wonder what you`d think of Meguiar`s M26. It`s a cheap-enough OTC product that might be worth a shot.

Dan- Heh heh, OK now we`re disagreeing again! It`s on Audi silver that my wife simply *LOVES* Söuveran! I`m not sure I really agree with her (might not be disagreeing with you after all!), but she "sees something special" with it on that paint and whatever it is really wows her :nixweiss

I myself *LOVE* it on my Jag, but that`s all I use it on (and hey, that car`s been in mothballs for ages).

04-19-2013, 12:41 PM
I think you like more of a subdued, rich look, or at least that`s the vibe I get. I like amped up, over the top gloss that makes people say "wow, what did you put on your car." To my eyes PS is deep, and adds a rainbow like effect to the gloss, but its not glossy. I think part of the reason people love it on black is it makes the black, very black, not into a mirror. P21s is really glossy and deep, and makes black into a mirror.

04-19-2013, 01:46 PM
DAN - That`s a good way to put it. I also like it when my vehicle looks over-the-top, standout reflections. And that not what I get from PS. It`s metallic gray...not a pure black mirror that PS probably looks great on. Being my vehilce is dark grey, I still want to use a nuba to get some depth...not simply a sealant that looks "plastic" like.

04-19-2013, 02:04 PM
Have you tried NXT on it? NXT is way over the top bold on most colors, and it has good depth. I wouldn`t say it looks plastic like either, not like KSG or older Zaino variants.

04-20-2013, 04:45 AM
Having tried P21S, CG Raceglaze and Glasur on my metallic wheat beige. I would say if it is depth and warmth you are after go for the glasur. It will `darken` your color a little but it very deep and warm.

I also like P21 for the spreadibilty and reflectiveness. Haven`t come to like raceglaze (I tried :).