View Full Version : Product Considerations

04-09-2013, 09:40 AM
I was looking at adding some of these products. What have your experiences been with them if any? Durability, ease of use, looks?

Optimum GPS

Optimum Opti-Seal

Optimum Instant Detailer & Gloss Enhancer

Optimum Protectant Plus

Optimum Tire Shine

Beyond Infinity Sealant

Infinite Use Detail Juice

Infinite Performance Tire & Trim Gel

04-09-2013, 09:52 AM
Really like the Protectant Plus--easy to use as it is great for the vinyl and leather alike-provides UV protection without oils or that greasey feel--Protectant Plus 2 or 3 times a year and monthly mists with distilled water have kept my 6 year old leather like new.

04-09-2013, 10:48 AM
Really like the Protectant Plus--easy to use as it is great for the vinyl and leather alike-provides UV protection without oils or that greasey feel--Protectant Plus 2 or 3 times a year and monthly mists with distilled water have kept my 6 year old leather like new.

Thanks. When OPT first came out I got some samples bottles of a few products, but that was so long ago I don`t remember awhole lot about them, and I believe most of the products I listed above were not even available back then.

04-09-2013, 10:58 AM
I`ve just used Garry Dean`s Beyond Infinity Sealant and Infinite Use Detail Juice for the first time. Used them on some areas of the newer Crown Vic (which is in very decent shape). Dunno how good a review I can give them, but no problems, that`s for sure.

IUDJ: I used this stuff to wipe down the jambs and some underhood/in-trunk areas. I hadn`t done those with my usual diligence during the wash (the car was just a little dusty from storage, most people woulda just QDed it) and I figured it was better than nothing. Sure enough, I did clean off a little dirt. Initial impression was that it cleans/encapsulates/shines better than my ONR v2.0 but hey, that was hardly any real test.


I just used it on the underside of the hood and trunk lid, easy as could be and IMO a good way to do those areas without making it a huge project.

I tried it in the doorjambs and license plates and there were no apparent problems from using it over the existing FK1000P.

I tried it on some areas of exterior black plastic and there were not problem from using it over the existing UTTG or on surfaces I had just treated with FastFinish.

Eh, not the same kind of test as actually LSPing the vehicle proper with the stuff, but my first-blush impression of it is positive and I`m wondering how it might *in some cases* replace my regular approach of always using a leaves-stuff-behind QD. Don`t think it`ll replace my FastFinish on exterior trim, but it might augment it.

What the IUDJ and BIS just *might* replace for me is my usual approach of QDing my jambs/etc. when I dry them. I usually clean those areas with BHBs during the wash, but sometimes that doesn`t get all the dirt. My current approach is to spritz on some QD when drying and let that handle any additional cleaning as well as providing a bit of LSP refreshment. While it`d be a little more work, I`m thinking about IUDJing those areas and wiping them down with BIS. I`d have to be a bit better about getting *all* the water though, so we`ll have to see how that`ll work out. With the Crown Vic, I let it sit overnight after drying and used the BIS the next day.

I have plans for more extensive use of the IUDJ, but I might not get around to it any time soon...

04-09-2013, 11:25 AM
Thanks Accumulator! The BIS is a wipe on walk away product right? Back and Forth motion on a foam applicator? I`m pretty sure I will get the IUDJ because it`s so versatile (QD, interior, maybe as a trim/tire dressing).

04-09-2013, 11:45 AM
The BIS is a wipe on walk away product right? Back and Forth motion on a foam applicator?

Yes and "not quite".

To apply it, you mist it on a MF towel and rub the towel across the panel. Maybe flip it and buff a little if you think you got too much on.

The one thing I did notice was that my MF (a pretty plush one from PakShack, but certainly *NOT* one of those super-plush ones that are becoming more and more common) seemed to soak it up, so I had to respritz the MF more often than I`d expected to. Eh, maybe I was just overkilling it out of fear that I wasn`t gonna get enough on; not like I was going through a whole lot of product or anything, just spraying it on the MF more than I`d expected.

04-09-2013, 12:44 PM
Yes and "not quite".

To apply it, you mist it on a MF towel and rub the towel across the panel. Maybe flip it and buff a little if you think you got too much on.

The one thing I did notice was that my MF (a pretty plush one from PakShack, but certainly *NOT* one of those super-plush ones that are becoming more and more common) seemed to soak it up, so I had to respritz the MF more often than I`d expected to. Eh, maybe I was just overkilling it out of fear that I wasn`t gonna get enough on; not like I was going through a whole lot of product or anything, just spraying it on the MF more than I`d expected.

So on a MF not a foam applicator. Forward motion only? Wonder if a foam app will work also.

Richard Grasa
04-09-2013, 08:03 PM
I love Opt GPS, wipes off easy after it`s hazed, looks great and lasts a good 3-4 months, great for an AIO. Only thing I don`t like about it is it gums your pads up a little quicker than most others, but not too big a deal considering how well it works. I`ve used Opti-Seal a few times now and really like it, very easy to go on, looks awesome, but haven`t checked back on the durablity. Don`t have any experience with anything else in your list.

04-09-2013, 10:46 PM
Thanks Rich

04-09-2013, 11:58 PM
GPS followed by opti seal will get you around 6 months from my testing, and both super easy to use. Use protectant plus every 3 months if you want everything protected at its fullest. The instant detailer adds some slickness and gloss, works without issue to around 130 degrees surface temp :). As for the tire shine I like optibond because I dilute 1:1 and get a little more for the money.

04-10-2013, 06:47 AM
GPS followed by opti seal will get you around 6 months from my testing, and both super easy to use. Use protectant plus every 3 months if you want everything protected at its fullest. The instant detailer adds some slickness and gloss, works without issue to around 130 degrees surface temp :). As for the tire shine I like optibond because I dilute 1:1 and get a little more for the money.

Thanks, just what I was looking for.

04-10-2013, 07:29 AM
So on a MF not a foam applicator. Forward motion only? Wonder if a foam app will work also.

I kinda like the idea of the MF for this; as there`s no real subsequent buffing it`s easier (IMO) to "buff while applying" when using a MF.

I wasn`t as careful/etc. about "forward only", but rather just used a "wiped it on, back and forth"-type of application. Besides merely making it easy on myself ;) I figured a not-too-careful application method would be a good gauge of how Accumulator-proof the stuff is, and it did satisfy me in that regard.

But again, not like I was really "LSPing the vehicle" in the usual sense.

04-10-2013, 09:30 AM
I kinda like the idea of the MF for this; as there`s no real subsequent buffing it`s easier (IMO) to "buff while applying" when using a MF.

I wasn`t as careful/etc. about "forward only", but rather just used a "wiped it on, back and forth"-type of application. Besides merely making it easy on myself ;) I figured a not-too-careful application method would be a good gauge of how Accumulator-proof the stuff is, and it did satisfy me in that regard.

But again, not like I was really "LSPing the vehicle" in the usual sense.

Thanks. I would like to see a video of it being applied to a vehicle.