View Full Version : Which To Choose?

04-04-2013, 01:29 PM
I`ve been using a sheepskin mitt to wash my truck, but I`m thinking about buying one of these. How good or bad are they? Should I go back to a sheepskin mitt?

Gold Plush Micro-Chenille Wash Mitt, microfiber chenille wash mitt (http://www.autogeek.net/gold-plush-wash-mitt.html)

04-04-2013, 01:48 PM
For regular, non ONR, washes I use ones just like it. They really hold a LOT of dirt. Haven`t used a sheep skin mit in years but I know they still have their camp.

04-04-2013, 03:28 PM
John--these mitts by Car Pro are fantastic--they hold allot of wash water and allow you to hold the mitt with no pressure on the painted surface. Merino Wool Wash Mitt - www.CarPro-US.com (http://www.carpro-us.com/merino-wool-wash-mitt/wash-mitts-brushes-applicators-tools/)

04-04-2013, 04:15 PM
John--these mitts by Car Pro are fantastic--they hold allot of wash water and allow you to hold the mitt with no pressure on the painted surface. Merino Wool Wash Mitt - www.CarPro-US.com (http://www.carpro-us.com/merino-wool-wash-mitt/wash-mitts-brushes-applicators-tools/)

Thanks, never seen that one before.

04-05-2013, 12:34 PM
I don`t like those "Muppet-head" mitts; I`d much rather go with the CarPro one (and I`d get a few of `em).

David Fermani
04-07-2013, 08:47 PM
I`ve been using micro fibers for washing lately and it`s been working great. Seems to buffer the dirt well during a waterless/ONR wash, so it`s gotta do better when more lubrication is used.

04-08-2013, 06:48 AM
I`ve been using micro fibers for washing lately and it`s been working great. Seems to buffer the dirt well during a waterless/ONR wash, so it`s gotta do better when more lubrication is used.

I`ve been thinking this also lately. I do have some Monster Fluffy`s I think they were called a few years back. Super Super thick white ones.

04-08-2013, 08:58 AM
I don`t like those "Muppet-head" mitts; I`d much rather go with the CarPro one (and I`d get a few of `em).

The same that pwaug listed?

I`ve been using micro fibers for washing lately and it`s been working great. Seems to buffer the dirt well during a waterless/ONR wash, so it`s gotta do better when more lubrication is used.

Any particular brand you have found success with?

04-08-2013, 10:42 AM
ArmyAl3x- Yeah, that one...be careful about not touching the paint with the back side though. Eh, I`d rather use *any* good/genuine sheepskin mitt than one of the Muppet-head ones. I`m just not a fan of "fewer and thicker strands" when it comes to the nap of wash mitts.

John Styrnol- Yeah, I have some of those Monster Fluffies too and I`ve thought that they`d be good for ONR/IUDJ-type washes. Though I`m kinda leaning towards trying MF mitts for this for some reason...I have the idea of filling the mitt (at least partially) with the wash solution and holding it shut at the cuff, sorta like I do when using them for conventional washes :think:

But then some day I`ll buy a bunch of the Metropolitan MFs that John Kleven sells, and I bet that`ll be that.