View Full Version : How To Maintain A Steam Cleaner

03-15-2013, 07:40 PM
I just picked up the Dupray Tosca. I read in the manual that the boiler can build up minerals from the water but the manual doesn`t give any info on how to clean out the machine. I was wondering what you guys do after each use of your steam cleaner. Also, none of the Dupray models require distilled water. Should I use it anyway?

03-16-2013, 02:57 PM
you can also use clr cleaner for scale build up

03-17-2013, 12:43 PM
..none of the Dupray models require distilled water. Should I use it anyway?

If you don`t mind the expense and hassle, then sure; it`ll eliminate the whole mineral scale issue.

Otherwise, run some vinegar (or as suggested by Bill Walsh, some CLR) through it now and then.

03-17-2013, 04:28 PM
The (acetic) acid in vinegar makes it a great all-round cleaner, and it’s also what makes it an ideal natural descaler. Pour this into your steamer and leave it overnight. The next day, pour the vinegar back into its bottle – you can keep it and reuse it for descaling, it’ll work time and time again. Just remember to label the bottle so you don’t mix it up with the vinegar you use in your food

03-18-2013, 12:32 PM
The (acetic) acid in vinegar makes it a great all-round cleaner, and it’s also what makes it an ideal natural descaler. Pour this into your steamer and leave it overnight. The next day, pour the vinegar back into its bottle ..

IF you can`t easily pour it out of the steamer, just turn the thing on and "steam with the vinegar".