View Full Version : Ammo for Top Gear UK

03-10-2013, 08:27 PM
I swear to God, between honey poo poo and are faster than a redneck, any more trailer trash tv and we give Jeremy and the guys enough joke material for years. Really guys, is this what we have become? Thankfully Duck Dynasty didn`t go this route, so see, it can be done, you can have country man fun without the trash.

David Fermani
03-11-2013, 03:24 AM
Unfortunately, TV now a days is all reality based. With Blockbuster closing up shop, people gotta have their Amish Mafia, Jersey Shore & Hardcore Pawn. :)

C. Charles Hahn
03-11-2013, 07:24 AM
Unfortunately, TV now a days is all reality based. With Blockbuster closing up shop, people gotta have their Amish Mafia, Jersey Shore & Hardcore Pawn. :)

Yeah, sure.... "reality."


Concourswanna b
03-11-2013, 10:46 AM
Lol I though this thread had to do with Ammo NYC at first.

Anyway, though - that Amish show really seems a bit off somehow.

03-11-2013, 12:34 PM
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, they kill off "Sons of Guns" and that other one with the cute blond chick cause it was about.............wait for it.........GUNS! Oh the humanity, but we get Amish Mafia?

I see the trailers for that show and I can`t stop laughing, can`t watch it either and never will. And while I`m on a rant, Lizard Lick Towing - these clowns are practically in my back yard and I saw some familier territory on scanning the channels, but, can`t watch these, it`s crap, no body acts like that. I would love to see how many takes they do before it`s "reality".

I miss the Great Biker Build-off, truely cool bikes and interesting builders as opposed to OCC and those drama queens........oh my daddy hates me boo hoo, grow a pair junior, at least you married well.

The guys that worked with Pawn Stars (a decent show IMHO) the car guy and the dude that fixes old stuff, they weren`t bad, what happened to them?

So, what shows blow and what shows are great, the lines are open people, free ear wax for the tenth caller.

Richard Grasa
03-11-2013, 05:54 PM
As far as the "reality" shows go, I think Moonshiners is pretty good. A couple of the pawn shows and Oddities is pretty good, and there`s a restoration show where they fix old soda machines and tractors and stuff that I like. Can`t really think of any others I would watch. Amish Mafia is a joke, so obviously fake and staged. Storage Wars was good until someone exposed their fakeness. There`s not much left for "good" TV anymore, that went out in the 90`s for the most part IMO. Didn`t Survivor start this whole reality crap thing? Or was that The Real World?

Ron Ketcham
03-11-2013, 07:45 PM
Top Gear 2013 is on tonight, two part of some trip the boys make through Africa to find the source of the Nile.

I like their "tonque in cheek" way of the show, yet gives some good fun reviews of vehicles.

The "American" version of the show is so friggen lame, the hosts so lame, only watch it if some even dumber "reality" shows are on.

03-12-2013, 07:01 AM
Love TOP GEAR UK! I watched the show and can`t wait for next week. I think for once, Richard brought the right car, did you see that little Subie pulling the BMW and Volvo - good times!

I with you on the US version Ron, it`s kinda painful to watch, of course every now and then, they do managed a decent show. But, they need to do something original, why cc the Brits when they did it first and did it better. Also, there`s something about Tanner that I just don`t like, and not in a way that I would watch just to see him lose, it`s more like, I want you gone from the show and then I`ll watch. What they need is the "elder statesman" someone with years of experience and a gift for gab, someone that could put you down and you`d still invite over for Sunday dinner.

03-12-2013, 07:11 AM
Top Gear `Africa` episode is probaly the best show they have ever done todate

(FWIW not a fan of TG much prefer `Fifth gear`)

03-12-2013, 12:46 PM
Top Gear 2013 is on tonight, two part of some trip the boys make through Africa to find the source of the Nile.

I like their "tonque in cheek" way of the show, yet gives some good fun reviews of vehicles.

The "American" version of the show is so friggen lame, the hosts so lame, only watch it if some even dumber "reality" shows are on.

Tanner and the one guy aren`t to bad really. But Rutledge makes me want to blow my brains out. I see him on NASCAR and I want to just slap him. God I can`t stand that guy. Tanner needed more of a supporting cast. The other guy would have grown into it I think, but they tried to copy TG UK to much with the witty remarks and stuff. I think if they would have went their own way with it and made it more American rather than Top Gear UK with three American blokes it would have been better.

Top Gear `Africa` episode is probaly the best show they have ever done todate

(FWIW not a fan of TG much prefer `Fifth gear`)

5th gear is good. Tiff is the man and I love Vicky, Plato is good too, but the other two guys are lame and the segments are to short. Drop one or two segments from each show and have the others a few minutes longer is my .02¢. and loose the lame presenter and 5th gear would be great. Its more car and consumer oriented than TG and I would prefer that some times.

Ron Ketcham
03-12-2013, 01:00 PM
[Tanner is good at driving, but not a good host. This is in despite of his going to a school between seasons to improve his on screen presense.

I am sure Rutledge is a nice guy, but I agree, he is playing the "Mikey" role most of the time from American Chopper. Adam is OK, but again, they all seem so "plastic" and "put on" most likely due to the producer and the scripts they are working with.

In short, the producers are the one`s that are messing up the show, plus it appears, as you state, they are just "redoing" the UK scripts, but without the budget or the writters and staff.

My BBC America channel is just starting to offer Fifth Gear, look forward to seeing how it is, as have heard alot about it over the last few years.

I can recall when the History Channel provided quality shows, however, over the past three years they and their sister channels have "dumbed" down for some audience the kids in the Keds, who now run things seem to think that the main audience is of the "Punked" and "donkey rear" (can`t mention a species of a small donkey and have it spell out) generation.

Yup, waiting to see if it is as good as all the Top Gear fans say.

03-12-2013, 02:02 PM
And R Lee Ermey! What a man, he was the real deal, and he did a great job on Mail Call and funny as hell in that Gieco ad.

03-12-2013, 03:21 PM
We may have "reality TV".. but the British tabloid newspapers make the "Weekly World News" look like the Wall Street Journal! ;)

03-17-2013, 02:29 PM
The only shows I watch these days are :

Top Gear (UK)

Fifth Gear

Chasing Classic Cars

If I`m bored and nothing else is on:

American Pickers

Man Vs Wild

Two and a half men

The Big Bang Theory

Wheeler Dealers