View Full Version : Prep before Paint Protection Film

02-19-2013, 08:23 PM
Hello, I`m a long time lurker and reader here. My wife and I bought a new vehicle and I have an appointment tomorrow to have the 3M Paint Protection Film installed. I didn`t find much information here in regards to this, but should I clay the front end of the vehicle prior to having the film installed? I`ve read that they will use some sort of paint cleaner to make sure there is a perfectly clean surface for the install. With that said, would I be wasting my time tonight claying the front end tonight? Thanks.

Richard Grasa
02-19-2013, 09:21 PM
It wouldn`t hurt to clay it, it will only ensure the surface is free of any embedded contaminants their cleaner may not remove. Just be careful not to mar the paint as you won`t be able to polish it once the film is on there.

02-19-2013, 11:13 PM
As someone that installs PPF, the installer should prepare the surface. He is being paid to do a complete job.

02-20-2013, 12:30 AM
As someone that installs PPF, the installer should prepare the surface. He is being paid to do a complete job.

It wouldn`t hurt to clay it, it will only ensure the surface is free of any embedded contaminants their cleaner may not remove. Just be careful not to mar the paint as you won`t be able to polish it once the film is on there.

Thanks for both of your replies. I went ahead and clayed the surfaces that the ppf will be applied. I do understand that the installers are suppose to prep the surface as well. I guess its peace of mind for me more than anything.

The place I`m taking it to in Houston gets rave reviews. They are not the cheapest in town but from I understand you get what you pay fit with these guys plus they give a lifetime warranty as well.

Thanks again!