View Full Version : How to prevent oxidization

SoCal Mobile
01-27-2013, 10:53 PM
Perhaps one of the most noticeable issues that affect vehicles as they age is oxidization. The breakdown of the paint is both unsightly and harmful, leading to the degradation of the body of the vehicle itself by allowing moisture to come in direct contact with the metals that make up its frame and body. Oxidization occurs when the paint is no longer protected from the elements and reacts with oxygen, causing it to break down and discolor. The question remains, “how does one prevent oxidization from occurring on my car or vehicle?” This article will address the issue by examining methods through which you can protect your investment, and offer you some peace of mind knowing that your vehicle remains safe and as beautiful as they day you purchased it!

Steps to prevent paint from Oxidizing

The first step toward making sure the paint on your car does not oxidize is keeping it clean. Regular car washing will help to protect the paint on your car or vehicle just as brushing your teeth helps to keep your teeth healthy and clean. This simple preventative measure goes a long way toward ensuring oxidization does not have a chance to occur. An occasional machine buffing is also recommended, as this ensures the surface of your car or vehicle is as clean as it can possibly be.

Keep your paint protected

The regular application of wax is a very effective method through which you can protect your car or vehicle from oxidization. Following a proper cleaning, the application of wax will create a barrier that protects the paint of your car or vehicle from the elements, ensuring oxidizing cannot occur. A more expensive option that will prevent oxidization is the professional application of a polymer sealant to the paint of your car or vehicle. Unlike wax, a polymer sealant will not wash or fade away, providing a more permanent solution to the problem of oxidization. Finally, investing in a car cover is an excellent option for further protecting your car or vehicle from the elements. Sunlight, rain, wind, and dust degrade wax and other protective coatings, but with the addition of a cover, your car or vehicle will be protected from each of these.

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